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In this AU Peter made all his own stuff and doesn't know about the avengers, S.H.I.E.L.D or Tony Stark.

I sung from building to building to see if anyone needed saving. But nope. Just another boring day in queens! Thats until i looked over the park. I saw a red and yellow Iron suit, a guy with a hammer, a girl in all black, a green dude, a guy with a bow and arrows and a tiny little dude. They were being chased..? By a guy in blue...with a vibranium shield.

Thats from Wakanda i swear. I'll talk to Shuri about it later. I leaped over the blue guy and stole his shield. "Its not nice to chase" i said. He glared at me "Where did you get this anyway? Vibranium is from Wakanda, and you don't look like your from there...no offence"
He was shocked. "You know about Wakanda?!" He screamed, making the 'chased' people turn around.

"Well yeah...Shuri is my best friend so" i said and they gasped. I webbed this blue guy to the floor and studied his shield. Then the others ran over. "You beat Captain America?!" They screamed and i nodded confused. The girl looked at the guy in a yellow and red suit "Can we keep him please???" She begged.

"Sorry to burst your bubble but this spider works ALONE" I pulled off my mask and said my goodbyes before putting it back on and dropped the shield and swung all the way to my house. I slept, ready for school the next morning.

The next morning in class

I talked to Ned and MJ about me being Spiderman as they're the only two that know. Until the door opened and the five people that were being chased walked in...in normal clothes. There was a middle aged man with them. And he was fine as fudge. I was almost drooling over him. The five people recognised me and whispered in the new mans ear.

"Today i will be giving one of you an internship at my business" he said and the girls went wild with squeals. I saw that man wink at me... i blushed and looked down. "Okay you will have a project to design and maybe even make your own hero suit. Good luck." He said. Ugh i cant even use my Spiderman one! I looked annoyed and he winked at me again.

I sent him a glare and then turned to MJ "I don't even know what to do MJ! No I'm not a genius. He's a genius." I said pointing to Mr.Stark "You made the Spiderman suit!" She whispered "So?!" I whispered back. "Ms.Jones and Mr.Parker please stop the conversation." Mr Stark said. I sent him another glare. All through the lesson he'd wink or something.

He wants to tease me, then i'll tease him. He looked at me and i winked. He quickly looked away from me and I smiled. But soon he started biting his lip and stuff. Then the ball rang and i was one of the first to get out until i felt a hand on my wrist. I saw Mr.Stark and sighed. "M-Mr.S-Stark i-Im gonna b-be late for c-class" i said stuttering like crazy.

I was neon red when he let go of my hand. Tony Stark and i..?

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