Quarantine? With an ex hydra agent?

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(Peter's Pov)

Bucky was a new recruit to the avengers, i wasn't listening very well when tony was talking about him, so i didn't exactly know what my mission was. And thats how i ended up in the house with Bucky Barnes, an old hydra agent/weapon.

I was beyond scared at first, i had heard about the Winter Soldier, how he killed Tony's parents and all but he turned out to be really nice! He likes cookies, and pop tarts, and chocolate milk and ice cream! Anyone that likes those is immidiately nice in my book! Because a meanie can't like ice cream and cookies, it's against the parker laws.

I was chilling downstairs, messaging Ned and Mj about my situation. Being locked in a house with Bucky Barnes for Quarantine...I hid my phone when he came in the room and he looked at me suspiciously. I just smiled and waved...

He waved back and sat on the other end of the couch. I described Bucky to Mj and Ned, from his diamond blue eyes to his auburn autumn hair...

GuY iN tHe ChaIr: Damn sounds like Peter has a crush! 😂

NiGhT mOnKeY: Shut up Ned. I have a girlfriend.

GuY iN tHe ChaIr: You broke up with her like a month ago! Are you that gay?! Your gay to the point you forgot your gayness bro 🤦🏻‍♀️😓

NiGhT mOnKeY: Oh shit right, im gay, and about to have a gay panic over Steve's old best friend

GuY iN tHe ChaIr: You like bucky barnes?! Bro! You said you would never like an avenger! Give me my Lego Millennium Falcon tomorrow 😤😤😤

NiGhT mOnKeY: Hmph whatever, i'm going to hang out with Bucky, catch ya later idiot

I turned off my phone, looked up at Bucky and realised he was watching me. I returned his mischievous look making him smile and laugh slightly. I blushed and thought to myself...

Do i like Bucky...? Do i...?

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