Stark internship (part two)

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Tony's Pov

Ive been stuck in the tower since i got rid of Peter. Everyday the Avengers, mostly Nat and Clint, tell me to help Peter, cause he's going through stuff. I ignore them every time. But then i was at my desk and got a phone call. It was Peter's Aunt May..?

"Ms.Parker?" I asked "Mr Stark! I need your help! This is the day where Peter hasn't eaten anything in a month! Please come help him, he's all i have left!" She was clearly crying. I was worried. I hung up and grabbed my coat. I rushed to Queens as fast as i could.

I knocked on the apartment door and May answered. Her cheeks stained from tears. She lead me to his room. I opened the door and saw him sleeping. He has red tear-stained cheeks also. The poor boy looked broken...its all my fault.

I sat on the bed next to him, waking him. He turned and saw me.

Peters pov

"M-Mr Stark..?" I coughed out. "Im sorry kid" he said and he was about to start talking again when i wrapped my arms around him. Somehow, i ended up sitting on his lap as we talked.

Then i decided, he teased me, so now i can tease him... Peter moved his thumb up to Mr.Stark lips, grazing them slightly. I wrapped my legs around Tony's waist as i smiled. I started rubbing his little friend...he let out quiet moans.

Until i just got off of him "Parker? Why did you do that?" He asked sounding quite annoyed "Do what Mr.Stark?" I said looking innocent. He grinned at me "Get back here now" he said. "Nope, since I'm not an intern or a worker, there is no reason for me to follow your orders" i smirked at him. He stood up, he towered over me.

He stood close to me, looking down to me as he spoke "Actually Mr.Parker. I am a rich billionaire that gets anything he wants and right now...i want you." he said. He had put his hips on my waist. I grinned "Sorry Sir" i took his hands off my waist "Im not that easy. Im not a slut" i walked out of my room smiling.

I ran to hug May. I whispered in her ear "Im so sorry for worrying you May" i said and she smiled and hugged me back. She said "If your going out with Tony, don't almost drown in a lake this time?"

"He'll be fine with me Ms.Parker" Mr.Stark said from behind me. He stared at my ass in my new short shorts, May bought me when i came out as gay to her. May is the only one who knows I'm openly gay...other than Wade of course.

Mr Stark lead me to Happy's car and took me to Stark tower...

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