Not six feet apart- BuckyxReaderxSteve

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{{{{this is my first reader x character so im sorry if its bad im trying to get better at these :3 }}}}

This was a request from @Captain_Guyliner13

Y/N's Pov

Today has been an...interesting day... It started at 6 in the morning with Bucky

~At 6am~
(Bucky's Pov)

Y/n and i were making coffee for Steve (who was polishing his shield) and i suddenly got this weird feeling in my stomach, and it wasn't a a good feeling... it was like a panicky feeling. Y/n looked fine so i brushed it off and focused on the task at hand, coffee

Y/n and i took the coffee to Steve, Steve and i shared a nervous look and thats when i knew something was wrong. I looked around frantically for something wrong but i couldn't find anything out of place.

Then a team of hydra agents burst through the door. And grabbed Y/n.

Y/n's Pov

I was grabbed by two male agents, i yelled and tried to break free but there was no hope, i could get out of their grip. I looked at my two roommates. Bucky had a look of murder on his face and Steve...Steve looked like he was going to have a panic attack...

I looked at the woman who looked like she was leading the mission and said "This really isn't six feet apart, i should drink bleach after this" with a smile, quoting our president. I locked eyes with Steve and his Nervous look changed quickly to a determined smile.

I was happy with my situation, knowing my boys were going to defeat these idiot and help me, until the lady pulled out a book...

Not any book...

The winter soldier book...

It has a list of his trigger words and everything else you need to know if you want to access the winter soldier...

I need to do something. They're not taking my Bucky away from me again. Not again...

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