Stark Internship (part three)

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I walked in the tower and noticed to people crying on the couches. I looked over at Mr.Stark and he shrugged, not knowing why. I walked over to them, i realised it was Clint and Nat. I sat by them "You guys oka-?" I was cut off by Nat and Clint screaming my name and hugging me. "Don't worry guys I'm fine now" i said smiling.

They let go of me and helped me to my feet. "How long has it been since you ate..?" Asked Clint "About a...month?" I said and they gasped. I smiled nervously "Why Peter?!" Nat asked worried "i don't know Nat i just...felt empty without the tower...without you guys and Mr Stark" i said and they looked at each other grinning. Then they turned back to me...still grinning.

Then i realised what they were grinning about... "shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up" Nat smirked "He's getting flustered about his crush on Mr Sta-!" I dived on her and covered her mouth. "I have instant kill on my suit don't make me use it!" I whispered to her. I got up and helped her up, before saying my goodbyes and going to Mr Stark.

"What was that abou-!" I cut him off "Shut up. Lets go." I said and started walking. He followed quietly. My face was still ruby red. I looked at a window and saw wade. I mouthed 'my room' to him and he nodded. We went up the elevator when an AI turned on "Hello Peter Parker" it said and i screamed and held on to Mr Stark whilst he laughed.

"Don't worry Peter its a new AI, he's called Jarvis" he said an i got from behind him "Jarvis? Thats a weird name" i said "i agree Mr.Parker" Jarvis replied. I looked at Mr Stark trying not to laugh. The elevator opened "Sir I'm just gonna go get my suit from my room!" I yelled as i ran towards my room.

I saw Wade at the window and opened it. He jumped in and took off his mask "So Tony Stark?" He asked and i blushed "N-No" i looked away from him "Baby Boy come on, don't lie to me" he begged "Fine! Yes i like Tony Stark! But what if he doesn't like me back..?" I asked worried, "then he is crazy. Plus, i know he does" Something beeped, meaning Friday gave Mr.Stark an alert that someone is with me in my room.

I rushed Wade out and as soon as i shut the window, the door opened. I turned and smiled "Who was here Peter?" He asked "N-No one M-Mr Stark" i said nervously "Okay i'll go check the cameras" he said turning around. "No wait!" I said running to him, i hugged him from behind.

"Sorry Peter but i cant have strangers breaking in the tower" he said and disconnected my arms. When he finds out its Wade he's gonna be mad. He HATES Wade. He says he's a bad influence. When he left i shut my door "Friday put my room on lockdown and let no one, not even Mr Stark overcome the procedure." I said and got in my bed. "Yes Mr Parker" The windows were locked and covered with metal. As was the door.

Minutes later there was a knock at the door. "Peter let me in." He said and i stayed quiet. "Peter open the door!" He yelled. "OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR PETER!" He yelled and i whimpered. I started lightly crying when everything re-opened.

Before the door opened i got under the bed to hide. Id never been scared of Mr.Stark. Now i was. Now i was very VERY scared of what Mr.Stark is gonna do.

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