New intern!

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{{{{{Peter is 21 and Tony is 26}}}}}

Peters Pov.

Pepper told me to find the "big man" which I assumed was tony stark. Friday directed me to his lab and I knocked twice. I heard the mumble of a "come in" so I walked in. He asked what then looked at my face.
"Why are you in here kid? Lose your mother?" He said laughing.

So me, being a heartbroken orphan trying to find his way in life, walked up to the prick and slapped him "Pepper was right, you are a prick. She wants you downstairs now asshat." I said proudly and walked out with a smile plastered on my face.

I walked back down to Pepper and she sighed "what happened?" She asked and I smiled more until the prick came in and walked towards me. Pepper blocked him "What's wrong tony?" She asked calmly "He slapped me!" Tony responded and Pepper looked at me wide-eyed.

"He mentioned my mother..." I mumbled quietly, Pepper turned and slapped Tony "Anthony Edward Stark! Apologise now!" Pepper screamed and tony looked offended. "What!? HE slapped ME!" Tony said angrily.

"TONY! HE'S AN ORPHAN!" Pepper screamed and a wave of guilt overcame Tony's face. I looked at the floor until I felt a hand on my arm. I looked up and saw Tony smiling down at me. "How about I show you the lab, then we're equal?" He asked and I nodded with excitement.

We walked down the hall and I heard pepper scream "Don't steal my intern!" So Tony yelled "Don't steal my business! Shit I'm too late!" And laughed.

I followed him to his lab and saw a guy with a metal arm having a robot laser his arm, a blue guy with a metal shield next to him, holding his hand.

I wish me and Tony were that close...what no I don't, he's old and rude ew.


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