Field trip

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I was in the kitchen with my fam (the avengers)
cause Tony, my boyfriend, called a meeting. He walked in "This is more of an announcement to Peter." Everyone, including Tony, grinned at me "Tomorrow Peter's class will be having a tour around Stark Tower!!" He smiled happily. My head hit the desk as i groaned.

"I will agree on ONE term!" I said and stared him in the eyes. "YOU can't interfere!" I said and he looked upset. He did puppy eyes "Mmmmm Fine!" I sighed and everyone cheers "We will embarrass Peter! We will embarrass Peter!" They chanted. I groaned and walked to my room.

The next day.

"You ready for us to find out about your fake internship Penis Parker?!" Flash yelled and i slumped in my seat. Nat and Clint are gonna kill him. I sighed.

When we arrived everyone took a pass from the desk "Mr.Parker take a pass" my teacher said "I don't need one sir, i have one from the internshi-!" The teacher put a hand up to my face "I wasn't going to say anything but the internship is fake. Stop lying Peter. Take a damn pass!" He yelled. Nat and Clint stood behind me putting hands on my shoulders.

"Excuse you sir but Peter has the highest pass in the industry. His internship is 100% real so if you don't mind shut your mouth." Nat said spitefully. "Need anything say something to Friday" she said and put my glasses in my hand. I smiled as they walked off "Friday you there?" I asked out loud "Yes Mr.Parker what can i do?" She asked. "Alert the Interns to prepare the labs, and get the hero stuff out Asap" i whispered the last part. "Yes Mr.Parker" she said.

Flash looked at me and his mouth was open. I grinned.

At the labs...

We all scanned in. I saw the interns "Peter can you come help?!" Louis asked as i ran over. Tony and Bruce spoke to the class...

Tonys pov

I was bombarded with questions "Yes its amazing living with the avengers!" I smiled. Until there was a bang. We turned to face the interns. There faces were and black and smokey. Including my adorable boyfriend. I smiled and he said "Uhh whoops?" And the interns all laughed. I love having him here!

Peters pov

"I can't get it off!" I wiped at it. I coughed and kept trying. Suddenly i kept coughing and couldn't breathe! My inhaler! Its in the penthouse!!! Louis realised "Melanie go get Mr.Stark now!!" He yelled and tried to find my inhaler. Tony ran in. I struggled to keep breathing "Peter, Peter where is your inhaler?!" He asked panicked "P-Penthouse" i said and he sent Clint to get it. A minute later it dropped from the vent to his hand.

I took my two puffs of it and sat down. I got my breathing back to normal and hugged everyone, including vent Clint before re-joining my class with the stuff off my face.

I smiled nervously at Ned and MJ. They laughed slightly and smiled back at me. They explored the training area. I heard a crash above me. My senses tingled and I pushed flash out of the way. That exact moment vent Clint fell on me. "Clint! Get off!!" I pushed him off as he laughed.

Steve, Bucky, Wanda and Vision ran from the training room to see if Peter was okay. "Im fine guys! Stop pampering me!" He fidgeted. Flash yelled "Why do you care about him so much?! Its Penis Parker not the king!!" He yelled. Visions stone glowed as did Wanda's hand and eyes. Bucky's hand turned to a fist and Steve's shield crashed through the window and Clint glared at him.

"Im sorry. Who are you again? Oh right a no body." Bucky said and Steve laughed. "Peter is like our little brother. So don't FUCK with our family." Wanda said angrily and he nodded scared. The class rushed off. Ned and MJ stayed behind and high-fived them all. I sighed "You can't threaten to kill everyone! Tony is gonna be so mad about the window!" I sighed.

They looked sympathetic "Sorry about that Pete that boy just pissed me off a lot" Steve said upset. "It's fine, Friday delete all that footage now" i sighed. "Mr.Stark said nice try Peter." I groaned. "Stop watching us god dammit!!" I yelled at the camera and sulked. "Lets just go" i mumbled and walked away with Ned and MJ.

Bruce walked around "If you touch anything in here, Peter will fix it anyways but don't be annoying. I deal with enough of that." Bruce said. We all scanned in. There were all the outfits and suits. I even saw my spandex and metal ones. I was speaking to Bruce about his next upgrade when i heard a clatter and saw the class in-front of three iron man suits on the floor. I sighed and walked over. "Friday re place" i said and the suits zoomed into their holding spots.

"Mr.Banner said DON'T touch."  I glared at Flash who pushed me into the wall. I pushed him back and we started fighting. Nat, Clint, Tony and Thor had to hold me back. "You may take your class out of my tower. MJ and Ned may remain here." Tony said. I coughed and pushed everyone's hands off me. I knew this was a bad idea. I stormed upstairs into the kitchen.

I put ice on my eye and jawline. I sighed and sat down. I knew this was a bad idea. I told them all!! I told them!! All the Avengers and my friends pulled me into a group hug. They all disconnected until it was just me and Tony he smiled at me. He walked to his lab.

Tony's pov

"Friday prepare my suit. Mr.Thompson is getting a personal visit from us." I grinned.

No one. I mean NO ONE hurts my Peter. I won't let him get hurt.

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