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I was touring Shuri around the Tower when i saw an angry Mr.Stark talking to a worried and upset looking Clint. I told Shuri to go to the penthouse whilst i walked towards them.

"What's going on?" I asked worried for Clint. Tony angrily looked away. Clint looked at me and shrugged. I pulled Clint out of the way "If you need to yell at someone yell at me" i looked down waiting for it. Instead i saw Mr.Stark walking away. I ignored him and went up to the penthouse. I greeted everyone before taking Shuri to my room.

I put on vines as i took my binder off "That shit hurts" i said throwing the binder to the side. Know one knew about me being trans except Shuri, Ned and May. My three closest people. But it seems Mr.Stark has been angry since i...never mind.

I was talking to Shuri about boys and my 'type' until i heard people talking and i went quiet.

Tonys pov

I was walking past Peters room when i heard him talking to Shuri...about his type in guys. I listened closely. Tall...dark completely! Then i heard something that interested me "If i let him buy me things wouldn't that make him a sugar daddy?" He asked and Shuri just laughed.

Then i heard Bruce walk down. "Stop spying on the spiderling!" Then Peter walked out...

Peters pov

I walked out red. Like RED. "Y-You spied on me..?" I asked nervous. He nodded and i walked back into my room, slamming and locking the door in the process. I had a panic attack. I was crying, struggling to breath until i stood on the balcony. I was about to walk when i heard "Peter Parker get down now!" I turned my head and saw Mr.Stark worriedly there.

I looked down. I jumped off and swung into the living room. Until i binder and my T shots! I rushed in and saw Mr.Stark holding a binder and a shot. "M-Mr.S-Stark i-i u-umm" i quivered and stuttered. Mr Stark smiled sympathetically. He walked over to me. "Well...Im tall...Im dark haired and i accept you for who you are so do i have permission?" He asked and i nodded.

His lips joined mine as fireworks went off. When we pulled away i saw Shuri recording. I went red. I chased her around the penthouse screaming "Delete that footage!!" I was so embarrassed. Typical embarrassing Shuri.

And...Mr Stark <3

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