Spoilt brat?

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Peter sat there watching as Thor tried to calm down a screaming Loki. Then Wanda and Pietro ran in, Wanda trying to catch Pietro, who was using his super speed. Nat and Clint argued over cookies and pranks. This made peter long for siblings...but due to his parents not being on Earth ever again prevented that.

Meanwhile, Tony was watching Peter from his lab. Pepper was watching tony from the door smiling "You really like spidey boy don't you?" Pepper asked and Tony jolted around "What!? No!" He said going red. So the genius, billionaire,playboy, philanthropist finally fell for someone. And that someone is Spider-Man.

Tony shut Peppers idea down completely "No Pep never. That would be disgusting. I dont 'settle down' with anyone. Ever" he said looking away with 'pride'. Pepper simply rolled her eyes and headed up to where the other Avengers were. But now, everyone had gone silent. Turns out, the speaker in Tony's lab was on and Everyone heard the whole thing. Especially Peter.

Pepper tried to explain but Peters face started flooding with tears. All the Avengers enveloped Peter in a hug. Tony walked in and everyone, including Pepper, left the room. Tony asked Friday and he did not like the response. He fucked up, and he has to fix it.


I know its been awhile! Writers block and other things are going on!

Angel's honour!

Love you all 💞

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