Breakfast :P - BuckyXreader

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{{{{{Bucky x reader for y'all! Trying to update as much as possible tonight}}}}}

Requested by @Wonderbug3000

Bucky's Pov :)

Y/n is actually impossible. She doesnt wake up in the mornings, and if she does, she's asleep 10 minutes later. I have poured water on her, shaken her, took the covers, picked her up, everything! She doesn't wake up! Ever! Why is the woman i fall in love with so much like Tony! Oh right...they're brother and sister, forgot about that for a second then...

I gave up and went to start breakfast for Y/n and myself. I was making pancakes with eggs and bacon, her favourite. But for not waking up im making her raisin pancakes, and myself chocolate chip pancakes, because they're amazing.

I finished hers and set it aside, i put my pancakes and a chocolatey smell roamed around the house and crept into the bedroom. Y/n was down here at an inhuman speed. She was demanding chocolate chip pancakes as she sat down.

I smiled and handed her, her pancakes. It was too early for her to notice they weren't chocolate chip and were raisins. She ate her bacon and eggs first, to save the "best for last" as she says, apparently it's what people say nowadays? Strange people.

She took a bite into her pancakes and her face went cold, uh oh.

"Barnes." Y/n started "You can mess with anything, but you NEVER mess with my food." She tied up her H/L H/C into a messy bun and stood up, im in for it now...

Y/n's Pov :)

After tying up my hair i cracked my knuckles. He tried to run for the door but i got there first and pinned his ass down. I stood on his metal arm (your too light to damage it loves :3) and spoke calmly.

"What did we learn today?"

"Don't mess with Y/n's food..."

"Dont mess with Y/n's food. And who's the best ass kicker in the house?"

"You are.."

"I am. Correct. Now, if you can remember my catchphrase your free to go"

"Easy! Don't mess with short people because they're closer to hell" He smiled

"Impressive Barnicles" I said, i got off his arm and helped him up.

Let's just say that night, we were closer than we should've been... 😏😉

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