The abused orphan (p.2)

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This was requested 😍🤩🥳 i'm so happy you love these 🥰 okay on we go!

Peters pov

"Shuri we need to get out of here" i whispered. She nodded. "Y-You have powers?!" Natasha yelled. "Let us go!" I yelled and Wanda dropped us to the floor. "Ah sh*t!" I yelled "Language!" Steve yelled.

Shuri helped me up. I coughed before looking at them. "Shuri *cough* we need *cough* a doctor *cough*" and i collapsed.

Shuri's Pov

"Peter?! Peter!" I yelled. The avengers rushed over "f*ck" Tony and Steve said. I shook him awake. His eyes opened and he panicked.

Peters pov

"What happened?! Where am i?! Shuri where are we?!" Everyone looked at me confused. I held shuri's waist and out we went. I took us to the park. "They know! Shuri they know! What am i gonna do?!" I asked panicking. She shrugged scared. "What if they do tests on me?! Or lock me away?! Or send me back to HYDRA?!" I panicked.

I heard repulsers. No no no no no. I turned and saw Mr.Stark... "You need to come with us kid" he said calmly and i shook my head no. I got up to run but the avengers had circled me and Shuri. "Im fucked" i said quietly. "Im not letting you give me back to HYDRA!!!" I said scared before jumping high and swinging away. Im not letting them give me away.

They'll 'welcome me to the team' and in my sleep or something they'll pass me to HYDRA.

I swung to a new orphanage and applied. I called Shuri and she appeared minutes later. Mr.Andrews wanted to talk to me. I got given a black eye and a slap to my face.

The next day at stark industries...

Everyone had a look in my direction. Shuri held onto my side as i hid my injuries. The Avengers looked terrified as i walked past them. I didnt know what to say or do...

So i ignored them...but that was a big mistake...

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