The Abused Orphan

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PIn this AU, Peter has the internship at 13, Shuri also has one. Shuri isn't related to T'Challa in this AU. Shuri and Peter are both Orphans and share a room. They're both abused. (This is another spiderson and iron dad AU)

Peter's Pov

"Let's go Shuri!!" I yelled "Peter hold on!!" She yelled back. She came out with her backpack on and wearing a smile. "Let's go to our first day!!!" We rushed out waving goodbye to Wade and our friends.

We were given two level one passes. "Mr.Stark has requested you on the second floor." The lady said, keeping her eyes on the screen. We said our thank yous and headed to the elevator.

"Welcome Shuri and Peter. What floor will you be heading to today?" The elevator asked
"U-Uh floor two please?" I said and looked at Shuri nervous. We held hands as the door opened.


We looked around at all the technology. Mr.Stark walked over to us "Hello there Shuri and Peter, welcome to Stark Industries!" He said joyfully. "Now for the tour!" He smiled.

It went from chemical labs to radiation labs to robotic labs to on going experiments to training areas. My hair went on end and i heard a crash above us. We stood back and i webbed the vent, opening the hatch.

A man fell out of it. "Oh my god! I'm so sorry!" I said worried for him. "Don't worry about it, you'll how did you open the hatch?" He said confused, standing up. "I uh threw something at it..?" He nodded suspiciously. Shuri pulled me back to Mr.Stark. "You can't do that here! They'll do tests on you!" She whispered in my ear.

I sighed and nodded. She smiled at me as we walked around. We headed into Mr.Starks lab. I looked around. I saw a suit being held. I saw a note 'Do not touch! In process of being fixed by Mr.Stark!' I read and looked at Shuri. "He wouldn't mind right?" I asked Shuri and she shrugged.

"I wanna have a try..." i said nervous "Friday? Would Mr.Stark mind if we touched his suit?" I asked "Mr.Stark prefers for people to not touch his suits. But you can try" she replied. I looked at shuri confident and she looked at me with the same look. 

We started working on the suit. We finished it...but couldn't test it! "Shuri how do we test it? Mr.Stark might get mad if he finds out!" I said nervous. I checked the time. No...
"We're over curfew!!" I said to Shuri. We rushed downstairs and out of the building. We ran home. Arriving 14 minutes over curfew. 

We walked in and i saw Mr.Louis. Clearly waiting. We tried to sneak by "Your over curfew." He said and walked over. "You need a punishment." He looked at Shuri and smirked. "Shuri go upstairs." He said and she nodded and left. He kicked me to the floor. Lifted me by my neck and choked me, every second his grip getting tighter.

He let go and walked to his office. I coughed on the floor. I got up and walked to my room. Shuri rushed over "Peter!! What did he do to you?!" I showed my neck and tears fell from her eyes. "Its fine. Don't worry Shuri, as long as your safe" i smiled and we headed to sleep.

At the industry the next day...

We took our passes and headed into the elevator. I smiled at Shuri and she smiled back. The doors opened and Clint welcomed us. He put a hand on my shoulder but i tensed up at the touch and pushed his hand off me. I stood closer to Shuri and put my hood up. She hugged me and shook her head at clint. Wanda and Vision looked at me worried.

"Shuri i don't like this" i whispered "it's better than being at the orphanage" she whispered back. We went to our new lab. I went to my desk and she went to hers.

I started singing the song me and Shuri made as i did my project and she joined in.

"You can find me in the Space between, where two worlds come to meet, i'll never be out of reach, Cause your a part of me so you can find me in the space between, you'll never be alone, No matter where you go!" We sang and looked at each other.

"Damn! Your voices are amazing guys!" We saw most of the Avengers, Clint, Tony, Wanda, Vision, Bruce,Natasha and Thor standing at the door.

I blushed and went back to my project. Tony stood behind me. I tensed up as he put a hand on my back. He noticed and took it off. He looked at my neck so i turned around. He gave a concerning look to the Avengers.

We got to the orphanage on time. We went straight to sleep exhausted.

Sadly, i was woke to a punch in the face. I opened my eyes to an angry Mr.Louis. "Get up! You two are being kicked out!" He screamed and i nodded. We got our stuff and packed everything up. We wandered the streets. "We're homeless..." we sighed.

We went to the industries but was called to the penthouse. The Avengers were all facing us. They stepped forward but i glared at them. They took a step back. Shuri was clearly scared "Don't worry" i whispered into her ear. Wanda used her powers to lift us. They took me from Shuri and she was scared. I webbed her and pulled her towards me. I hugged her as everyone stared in amazement...

I used my powers in front of them...No...


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