Peyton or Peter?

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In this AU its Fem Peter but he does his transition to male later in the story. Also Peter/Peyton is Clint's adopted brother/sister!

Peyton's Pov

This was my first time at the tower. I was sitting in the living room. Lila was on my lap. I was feeling depressed again. I was singing to her "Hey little girl, you'll never believe, theres a ghost inside of you but its hidden too deep." I put her on the couch and walked into my room.

"Hey little girl, you'll never imagine, when you get a little older, you'll get abandoned..." i looked in my mirror and picked up the scissors.

I cut off my long hair into a boys hair style. I smiled as tear fell from my eyes "Been in and out of covery, i remember when i could hardy breathe, sat in front of mirrors, thinking to myself, can't get any clearer what I'm doing to myself..."

I looked at my hairstyle...i smiled...then i heard "P-Peyton?" I turned and saw Clint "C-Clint i-i-!" He walked up to me and wrapped me in a hug. "You need to come out to the girls" he said and i asked why. "You can go shopping for stuff and if you want, i'll buy binders and T shots" he said and i jumped around.

I walked to Wanda and Nat's room. I knocked on the door "Come in!!" I heard. I took a breath and walked in "Peyto-!" They were frozen "Hey guys..." i smiled they hugged me.

"Okay so first you need a new name!" Wanda smiled. "Patrick? Nope. Pat? Nope. Paul? Nope. Pavel? Nope...Peter?" Nat looked up hopefully. "Peter...Peter Parker...i like it" i smiled. Nat, Wanda and Clint were the only ones who knew my real last name was Parker instead of Barton.

Clint walked in "Pey-!" "Peter" Nat corrected and Clint smiled "Peter, your binder and T-Shots are in your room" he smiled and then left. All three of us went to my room.

I went into the bathroom and put on my binder and put a shirt on over. I walked out and the girls squealed "Peter its so cool!!" Wanda said happily.

I stayed at Clint's original house for a while. I was being Spiderman through this. When i sounded like a proper male, i was introduced.

Clint stood next to me "This is Peter Parker he's Spiderman and the newest and youngest Avenger" and everyone spoke to me and stuff. Then i heard Tony ask "Hey Clint where's Peyton?" And i froze still. Nat and Wanda looked at me nervous "She is visiting a friend" he said and Tony nodded and looked at me staring.

I quickly looked away. I walked to my or 'peytons' lab. I got a security from inside "Karen lemme see it" i looked and there was T'Challa with a girl my age. "Come in TC" i said and opened the door. He went straight to my lab. "Who's this?" I asked

"My little sister Shuri, she's a genius and yous aid on the phone you needed help with your suit." He smiled and left.

I made friends with her. We watched memes and stuff but then she looked in my eyes and said "Your trans arent you" she said. I panicked. She calmed me down "Dont worry calm down! Im part of the community too! Im a lesbian" i hugged her and explained everything and how no one knew.

I was upset when she left. Tony rubbed my back "She'll be back soon Pete" i blushed. Wait why did i- i like Mr.Stark... i rushed into my lab. I got all the presents.

Clint's Fourteen different types of new arrows, check. A new suit for Rhodey and Sam. A new Axe for Thor. A new Shield for Steve and an arm for Bucky. I made Nat widow bites and Wanda got a crown the thing that connects to her powers. I gave Bruce a special set of chemistry equipment to do with nuclear stuff. Tony...Tony got a fully upgraded suit. His suit was in an pointed earring.

I gave them all their gifts. They were all over the moon. Tony asked "Whats this kid?" Confused. I put it in his ear and said "3 2 1" and the black and dark grey activated around his body. "If it mis-functions or needs upgrades or anything i can do it its just in emergencies" i rambled and he de activated the suit and smiled.

Few months later

Me and Mr.Stark have gotten real close. I hang out with him every day. Until i made friends with Wade. We were in the tower and this happened...

"I need to tell you something" Wade said and i looked at him. "I want us to be more than just friends." He smiled, Tony spat out his water in the kitchen. "I-I'm sorry but...i like someone else" i said and he left. I sighed and looked up. I closed my eyes until i heard

"Good job pretty boy"

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