Stark Tower?

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Peters pov

I was swinging through the city seeing all the new things and new people it had to offer until i saw...Stark Tower? I sung to the too and landed on the 'S' "Stark...where is that from?" I sighed. I turned and saw a guy, very handsome guy, standing behind me on the balcony. I waved slightly before backflipping off the tower. My hair stood on end. Danger was coming.

I saw four men robbing a bank with the avengers masks on. I walked in. "Iron man? Your a billionaire why are you robbing a bank sir?" I asked before kicking there asses and webbing them up. Iron man dude stabbed me with a metal piece that was sticking out. "Shit" i said before everything went black.

Tonys pov

I was flying around the city and admiring the sunset until i saw a huddle of people surrounding the blue and red guy from earlier. He had something stabbed in his arm...he was bleeding out. I immediately called Bruce to tell him to get a room ready. I picked him up and flew to the tower. I left him in Bruce's hands.

Peters pov

I woke up in a white room. I looked around. I was still in my suit. I had bandages on my shoulder. Where am i? Wheres May? Where are my friends? Where are the robbers? A middle aged man walked in "Hello there Spiderman" he said smiling "h-hello" i said nervous. I got up and started walking around whilst the man shouted for me to sit back down. I was about to shoot a web to get out when i felt two arms around my waist.

I saw that guy again. "S-Sir what are you doing?" I asked "Not letting you leave" oh my god that voice. "I have people to care for sir, i need to leave" i pushed him off slightly before swinging out. I rushed to May's house. I couldn't find her "May?!" There was a man behind me. She took of the hood and it was May. "Don't scare me like that!" I said smiling. There was a knock at the door.

I opened it and saw that man who tried to keep me in the tower. "Hello?"

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