Trip to SI

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(Update- A father-Son bond one accidentally sorry)

Mr.Smith was teaching the normal maths lesson when he said "We're going on a school field trip!" And everyone cheered happily.

He gave out permission slips. May passed away last month so i am my own guardian. I signed it with May's signature and took it to school the next morning.

We piled onto the bus as flash started bullying me again. "Hey Peter, or should i say Penny Parker!" Flash yelled but MJ snapped. "Hey Eugene! Shut your damn mouth before i come down there and i beat your ass!" MJ sat down and smiled at me. Flash opened his mouth and sat down.

As we arrived at SI, Natasha, THE black widow, was our tour guide. She gave everyone a pass but when she came to me, i got a red and blue one when everyone else got white...

"Where your passes on the outer most part of your clothing please." I smiled and put it on my jacket. First we went to floor 18, the labs.

"These are the labs where Bruce Banner works. He is working on a very special blue print at the moment. Please, do not touch." Everyone scanned in but when i did it said "Peter Parker Alpha level 4, Avenger level. Welcome back Peter." It said.

I have never been to the tower so why am i not an omega 1? I looked at Natasha confused but she winked. Huh? I walked into the lab. Flash being flash, messed with s blueprint "Flash your not supposed to-!"

He deleted...half of the blue print. Natasha ran to get Mr.Banner but i got to work. I pushed flash out of the way and started typing. In two minutes i had got everything back. I sighed thankfully until i heard "Kid what are you doing?!" I turned to see Mr.Banner and Mr.Stark.

I stepped back "A-A class mate deleted it s-so i got it back" i said nervously. "Im taking the kid" Mr.Stark said. I followed him nervously.

He took my to the penthouse. I walked in and there was a semi circle of pissed avengers. Tony stood next to Pepper and said "We know who you are and we know what you did." They said. "Why. Peter why?!" He yelled. "You have No idea what i have been and am going through. I know what i did and I'm glad i did it." I looked them all in the eyes. "Catch me if you can!" I swung out of the window. I need T'Challa, Shuri and Okoye.

They were meeting me at my house in 6 hours. But for now. Im on the run. I saw Thor and Loki flying towards me. Sh*t. I swung around loads of buildings and lost them. I went to the last place they would expect me.

The grave yard

I swung and landed between the four graves. Mother, Father, Uncle Ben and Aunt May. I spoke to them "Hey guys. May I'm the only one that knows your gone and I'm sleeping on the streets now. I stole some fabric from the tower to make a new suit and i also stole some chemicals cause i was gonna make new stuff for the avengers. Like arrows for Clint and stuff."

I started crying slightly "I did it mom, i made the repulser bracelet...i made it for Mr.Stark like i said. Im gonna secretly give it to him for his birthday. Since i don't think I'm gonna be in the tower again anytime soon... I just...wish i wasn't on my own. I've lost everything. I wish i was young again. You'd all be alive. I wouldn't be being hunted down by my idols. Shuri, T'Challa, Okoye, MJ and Ned are all i have left, what if i lose them too..?" I sighed.

I felt a hand on my shoulder. I saw Shuri standing there. I stood up and pulled her into a tight hug. She smiled and cried at my state. I saw the avengers appear behind me. I backed away. I looked around. I held Shuri's waist and went to fling a web when they showed T'Challa beaten up. "WHAT THE FUCK?!" Me and Shuri yelled.

"Hand yourself over kid" Mr.Stark said. I looked in T'Challa's eyes. "You messed with the    wrong kid." I said and put on my glasses "FRIDAY. Shut down all weapons and suits except the ones i planned for." I said. And all there stuff shut down. Except mine, T'Challas and Shuri's.

T'Challa ran over. "Shuri take him to the tower." I said and they walked back. "Okay listen. Before you put shit on me, i didnt kill ANYONE! Before you blame me about killing someone just because you saw blood in a room in my house!" I said angrily.

"You know what happened? My Aunt May had a knife through her head two weeks ago. I have no family, and I'm sleeping on the streets. There. You happy? My life has finally been destroyed. You happy now?!" I screamed. They were all shocked.

Clint spoke up. "I told you SO! SO MANY TIMES I SAW PETER AND THE STREETS AND YOU TOLD ME I WAS HALLUCINATING!!" Clint yelled at Bruce as he waked over to me. "Kid we're sorry but, May isnt dead." He said and i laughed. "Really?" I walked over to him. "You have a family. You have Pepper. And Morgan. You live in a fucking Penthouse on top of the best business in the world. So dont give me shit saying i didnt see my aunt dead on her bed." I pushed him to the floor.

"I lost everything. My real family and my second one. But maybe your not my second family after all." I walked away and Clint followed me "Hey wait up!" I heard, i saw Bucky, Wanda, Natasha and Pepper walking towards me. I smiled at them. Pepper passed Morgan to me "hola princesa" i smiled.

She hugged me. "Why are you crying?" She asked worried "I lost my family" i said and she started crying "No no stop crying its okay." I said calming her. Pepper hugged us and then someone else did. I saw Tony and smiled. Then all the Avengers joined in.

My quirky family

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