RuleBreaker -Steve x Reader

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{{{Requested by @chrisevanssidebomb i couldnt think of a protective situation in quarantine so i did my best 😓😓}}}

<female reader>

Y/n was never someone to respect the rules, she preferred to break them, if she had the chance to break a rule, she's take it, she's never once hesitated. That's what lead her to having a Non-rulebreaker boyfriend. And Y/n is quarantined with him on her sister's orders.

Natasha was never amused with her sister's antics. She was secretly proud, however she'd never show it. She may help and join in every once in a while but Y/n always took the blame for her sister, since she knew the Avengers wouldn't let Tasha live it down, ever.

And back to the story!!!!

"Steve!~" i called walking down to him "Steve, Bucky's coming over to visit for a few hours!" I said smiling, he looked mad "Y/n! We're not allowed visitors! You could get the Virus!" He walked over and held both of my hands "I understand that you like breaking rules, but not these... its too dangerous baby, there's a virus out there.." he put a hand on my cheek and sweetly smiled

God dammit. That stupid cute smile of his.

"Fine...But Bucky will smash the door down if we don't let him in..." i mumbled and Steve sighed knowing his destructive best friend.

Bucky was his best friend but he was a difficult best friend to have...

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