Chapter 16: I Like You

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Tenko staggered into Izuku's room and flicked on the light. His eyes scanned the room for anything out of place because of his own paranoia when he saw the cake sitting on the dresser. It was a round chocolate peanut butter cake with four layers. It had peanut butter between the layers of cake. It had peanut butter icing on the top with melted peanut butter drizzled on top and down the sides with chocolate syrup. It had peanut butter cups on the top in a circle then a peanut butter cup heart in the middle.

He walked forward to see a little blue sticky note beside of it. Tenko picked it up and saw the hero's hand writing.


Made you a cake. Hope you have a great day and night

see you in the morning.


He really didn't know what to do about the cake. It wasn't like it would taste bad or anything.... Tenko couldn't believe how nice the cake looked. It was like he took extra time to make it pretty and very nice. It had a professional look to it and he knew he stayed awake to make it.... it had to take forever from the way it looked.

I think.... I think I like him. Oh no.



The next morning Izuku came home. He kicked his shoes off at the door and started pulling his socks off then his hero costume. He went to the bathroom, showered quickly. He just decided to use the clothes he had worn to work yesterday instead of waking Tomura up. He headed into the kitchen to make them breakfast for once. He managed to get out by six this time.

He was pretty grateful since it didn't happen often. Now he had a reason to come home and want to be there. Even being lonely and depressed, he wouldn't call Ochako, Shouto or Tenya. He wasn't their problem.

Izuku decided on making hash browns, french toast, eggs and bacon. He had everything started when a warp appeared in his kitchen. Dabi walked through covered in blood and dirt. He looked worn out and tired. The hero nearly dropped his spatula upon seeing him.

"Dabi! What happened!?"

Dabi fell onto the floor to his knees holding his head. His clothes looked slightly burnt.

"Who did this to you?!"

He looked up at him.

"Bakugou.... He didn't see me when he blasted through the walls. They found out our new hiding place."

The color drained from his face.


"That's why we moved. We have made sure not to leave any trace behind but I guess they figured out where we were."

"Where's Kurogiri?!"

"Right here."

He appeared holding a first aid kit in his hands.

"Should he get a bath first?" Izuku asked looking worried.

"He needs burn ointment instead. Possibly stitches too."

Izuku finished what little had on the stove and sat everything to the side. He helped pull his shirt off seeing all the gashes he had. Deku cringed but this is what his friends probably did seeing him put himself in danger constantly. Izuku ran to the bathroom for a wash rag and a couple towels. He made a bowl of hot soapy water and one with plain hot water.

"You sure you don't want to go to a hospital?" the hero asked.

"I can't dumbass."

A smile appeared on Izuku's lips.

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