Chapter 27: Just One Act of Redemption

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Ochako waved to the police officers as she went in. She usually dressed causally but she dressed in her hero costume this time around. She looked calm and cool on the outside, her normal happy self but inside she was a screaming mess. She had to be causal.

I can't believe I'm doing this. I can't believe this. I know I straight up said yes but Dabi was right. I should've thought about this more.

Dabi had showed up to her apartment last night after she had gotten a weird text from Deku's phone. He had another bottle of alcohol but it something like strawberry kiwi. He placed it on her coffee table giving her a smile that looked something like he was hurting.

"What's wrong?" she asked standing up.

She wasn't dressed all sexy like the last time. She was just in a sports bra and a pair of bright green, fuzzy pj's.

"Did you guys already get found out?"

"It's not that. Went and saw Dad last night."

"Deku texted and told me. I thought it all went well?"

"I guess it did, surprisingly."

Dabi stood there fidgeting. Ochako didn't really know Dabi any but if he was anything like Shouto, then this would be unusual for him to be nervous.

"Did something else happen?"

"No. Just need some down time. Someone to talk too."

Ochako arched an eyebrow, "Alright."

"I don't mean to sound sexist but I know that chicks love fruity drinks."

The hero laughed, "I do but I love hard liquor shots. I can't be hung over when I'm going to talk to Spinner in the morning."

"You're a brave little hero."

"I try to be."

"You don't think you should've thought about this more? I mean.... we are wanted criminals."

She snorted and rolled her eyes. What a strange thing to say to one of the people trying to save you.

"You act like I haven't dealt with villains before."

"Oh, are bad boys your thing or something?" Dabi asked teasing her.

Her cheeks turned bright red. He was way too comfortable teasing her.

"What did you want to talk about?"

"My childhood. I would bother Izuku but I don't want to bother him with anymore problems. He already has to deal with his child like fiance."

She walked through the doors leading to the back and the doors were locked behind her. No one would monitor Ochako since she was trusted and most of the usual prisoners liked her. She treated them the same as her like they weren't locked up because they did bad things. It always helped when someone was nice once in a while.

I wonder if that's why he came over. He was almost crying when we finished off that bottle. He's certainly more emotional than Shouto. He had barely shed a tear ever in the whole time we were at school. Dabi on the other hand.... wow.

She sighed.

I can't believe I let him crash on my couch. He said Kurogiri would keep the secret he was over there but I don't see why? Why would it be a secret. Not unless he didn't want anyone else to know but.... that doesn't make any sense.

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