Chapter 25: Sickly Reminder

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All Might got up and answered his door once he heard the knocking. He wasn't surprised of course that Izuku and Shouto were standing there but the looks on their faces were a whole other story. Izuku looked slightly less nervous as he gave his favorite hero a smile but Shouto looked sickly almost. He was so pale Toshinori was sure he was going to pass out.

"Are you ok boys?"


"Come on in."

Toshi held the door open for them and they walked inside. Izuku followed his hero to the couch while Shouto went off searching the small house to make sure no one else was there. All Might found this weird but maybe there was a reason the two of them were being extra cautious. It was strange though.... especially for Shouto. Shouto locked his front door before sitting in one of the recliner's All Might had.

"Are you ok?"

Izuku smiled but there was something in his eyes.

"I want to talk about something...."

Shouto looked like a nervous wreck.


"Have you ever used the Villain to Civilian Act?"

Toshinori looked shocked. That law was old as hell but it was still effective and no one ever wanted to use it.

"You have a villain you want to reform?" he asked.

Shouto nodded.

"Well.... five of them. Possibly more."

I don't know if they would want to bring anyone else into society but just to play it safe.

All Might blinked.

"Five or more? Is that what you've been doing?"

"Not.... intentionally."

"You need at least five heroes and one civilian who would vouch for them. If one backs out, it ruins it for them all."

Izuku swallowed hard.

"I'm aware."

The air between them was intense.

"We have Mom, me and Shouto. Possibly Endeavor."

All Might stared at Shouto.

"Your father? Seriously?"

Shouto fidgeted in his seat.

"I want you on board and I was going to ask Ochako next."

"Well, if they're serious I will back you up. Who are they? Who would Endeavor want to reform?"

"My brother Toya. Dabi."

All Might's mouth dropped open in shock.



"But.... how?"

Shouto closed his eyes.

"He wasn't a great father figure if that helps seal in why. Father had been looking for a while to reform Toya but has no idea I know about it."

"Dabi wants to be reformed?"

Todoroki nodded, "Yes. For us not Father though."

"Understandable.... So who are the rest?"

Shouto and Izuku exchanged looks. That made All Might more uncomfortable than he already was.

"Who is it boys?"

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