Chapter 29: Hurt

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If 'fuck' was an emotion, they were all feeling it now. Shigaraki fell onto the ground with Deku on top of him. Dabi rushed to his side to help him. The hero was unresponsive and he was burning up. Kurogiri came to his side and felt his forehead and looked at his burnt back.

"Dabi, it's dangerous but we need some things for him. Call your brother quickly and inform him of the situation that has occurred."

"Send me a text and open me a gate. I'll be quick."

A warp opened up and the warp man sent Dabi a text as he walked through. Tomura just realized he could hear Himiko crying. He looked around trying to spot her but she was probably in another room of their base.

"She's a little shaken but Jin is with her."

He nodded slowly.

"We need to strip him down. He's got a fever and his body is probably in shock. Let me see if I can find some scissors."

It just dawned on Shigaraki that Izuku had his hero costume on.

Why the hell would he fucking put that on? Unless he thought it would deter that fucking ass wipe from attacking us.....

Tears started to well up in Tomura's eyes. Why had he jumped in again? This was the third time he saved him and he got hurt again. How many more times was he going to throw himself in harm's way to protect him? He put his hands over his eyes trying to remain some control over himself. A hand touched his shoulder making Tomura jump.

"He's going to be fine."


"I saw you stopped Dabi. His face is a little messed up but he'll live. He was very.... Furious though."

Tomura nodded.

"You all didn't fight to hurt, which is good. Do you want to cut this costume off?"


Kurogiri took off Izuku's absurdly bright red shoes and his socks. Tomura was careful to raise the fabric so the blade didn't rub against the burnt skin. They ended up turning him on his side to get the rest of his costume off. Izuku didn't stir the whole time they moved him which worried Kurogiri but he didn't want to make things worse.

"I'm back."

Tomura didn't turn around as he used his left hand to turn Izuku's ruined hero costume to dust. He remained silent as Dabi handed him the bags of things he asked for.

"I'll be back."

Kurogiri left them alone.

"I'm sorry. I was pissed and it was stupid of him to do that.... I didn't mean to catch you on fire."

"I'm not mad at you. Honestly, I was surprised you lost your temper but I don't blame you either. I would've been pissed too."


Dabi touched his face. His face was blistered and burnt but he would live. Deku on the other hand.... That was a huge blast with more firepower behind it.

"What happened?" Dabi asked.

"He jumped in front and saved me."

Dabi cracked a smile and put a hand on Tomura's shoulder.

"He's hard headed just like you. A match made in heaven."

Shigaraki cracked a grin and wiped his eyes.

"Shut up."

"I think that's the nicest thing you've ever said to me."

"Alright. I have a few wet towels. Let's drag him on them so I can give him some medicine for everything."

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