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(Y/N)'s POV

I wake up seeing trees and grass,seems like I've fallen asleep in the forest again 'at least i didn't get raped or wake up at Midnight' i thought to my self and put my hands in the pockets of my
(F/C) hoodie and played with my little toy that i bring everywhere

I take out my dagger and play with it; a silver dagger with pure golden spirals on the handle and a crimson diamond at the end where the blade starts

my Dad gave it to me when i was nine before he left and never came back he told me to use it to keep myself safe since then i stayed with mom and always have pockets on me or atleast a shoulder bag

i stand up and put my dagger back in my hoodie pocket and take my shoulder bag which was on the ground.I check my lovely toys inside and check if they are all still inside

"3 Guns,and 6 knives....." i check "oh...and one dagger" i correct myself as i pat my hoodie pocket two times "alright time to get back to Grandma and Grandpa" i mumble to myself as i hang my bag on one shoulder and start walking torwards my Grandparents' house where i stayed

after two years when dad left,my mom had to work for us two so she left me with my Grandparents who love me ever so dearly

i smile at the memory and walk faster as i see their three story house came into view

i walk into the back door "I'm back,sorry i took so long......I accidentally fell asleep again" i explained "Oh it's fine (Y/N) we know you love going out to the forest and train with the lovely toys we gave you" Grandma said walking into the kitchen where i was

"Yeah,just be careful 'cause i heard that there are a couple of murderers in that forest so that's why we gave you weapons" Grandpa said "yeah i know but i really appreciate that you trust me with these stuff" i said smiling at them

"well we want you to live your life 'cause one day you'll be like us who can't defend their selves well anymore" Grandma said motioning to her and her husband

"well you guys were technically the ones who trained me and made the weapons i have,so you're actually not weak!" I exclaimed and hugged them both

"We love you so much (Y/N) i hope you stay like this always so loving,kind,caring,and brave" Grandpa said hugging back as Grandma does (A/N - I WROTE DIES INSTEAD OF DOES WTF?!!) the same

-Later That Night-

I was in my room sharping weapons that needs to be sharpen "Alright all" i paused and grabbed my gun,reloaded it and shot the wall above the people that came into my room using the window. I saw them flinch so i just pointed my gun at them and turned on the light and i saw.......

A/N ;
Sorry it's a cliff hanger :I

[DISCONTINUED] Glares like Daggers [CreepyPasta X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now