Ch.4 - An 'Ordinary' Day

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(Y/N)'s POV

I was in my room staring out the window,i just woke up a few minutes ago and i already took a shower and put on some clothes now i'm just waiting for breakfast

"(YYY/NNNNNNNNN)!!!!!!!" Someone screamed,it sounded like.... "(Y/N) HELP!!!" He yelled again

"Who......BEN!!!" i yelled,i grabbed the gun i used on the proxies and ran out my room dashing to the living room i saw BEN on the ground being pinned down i pointed my gun at the person,I was about to pull the trigger but stopped

I saw.....a..girl pasta....on top of him....

She got off him and crossed her arms glaring at BEN,i ran down the stairs and helped BEN up "Phew thanks (Y-" BEN was interupted when i punched his face "OWW!! WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!!" He yelled

"YOU ALMOST MADE ME SHOOT ANOTHER CREEPYPASTA YOU IDIOT!!" i Screamed as i knocked hard on his head "Ow! Ow! Ow! Okay okay i'm sorry!!!" he shouted trying to cover his head

i stopped and puffed my cheeks out glaring at him "finally!" he said,after he said that i kicked his leg which caused him to fall on the ground,i walked away after that "HEY WHERE ARE YOU GOING?!!" BEN asked "to my room where else?! or do you want me to stay and beat you up?" I glared at him then ran up the stairs and into my room locking the door

Third Person POV

After (Y/N) locked herself into her room she didn't notice that people were watching her beat up BEN "When did you guys get here?!" BEN asked standing up "we've been here when we heard you scream" Clockwork said "BEN i thought you were strong but you got beat up by a girl holding a gun" Jeff joked and chuckled

"Haha very funny" BEN said sarcastically
"Hey wait a second Nina where's Liu and B?" Asked Masky "Oh Liu is in his room,B.....she...stayed in the forest..." Nina said sadly "A-another b-*tic*break down?" Toby asked,Nina nodded and left for her room "Don't worry i checked on her before we left and she's calming herself down" Liu said leaving his room and into the kitchen

(Y/N)'s POV

I heard everything they said so.....Nina,Liu,and B...but what's B's Full name why only nicknames?!

and what did they mean by Break down....i sighed and took my other gun, and a lighter that my instict told me to bring,i jumped out my window and landed on a tree branch

-small time skip-

I'm in the forest and i see a girl with Blood on her,she's trying to light up her lighter but it's already out of gas,she dropped it and started to breathe heavily 'I guess fire calms her down' i thought and took out the lighter as i walk over to her

I tapped her shoulder making her flinch and look at me quickly,she had tear stains on her cheeks,i smiled and slowly handed her the lighter,it was dark so i can't see her properly

She hesitantly took it and lit it i saw what she looks like and she looked Cool!

she has;pale skin,black hair that went strait down to the back of her knees,she had dark blue eyes with the Operator symbol as her pupils

She was wearing a dark blue jacket and a white shirt with a black layered skirt with lines on the first short layer and spirals on the second long layer, she was also wearing black ankle boots

The flame on the lighter died down she faced me and wiped her tears away she took a notebook and pen from the ground and started to write and lit the lighter so i could see the writing

Hello,you must be the new Pasta,thanks for helping me

"Yeah it's no problem,My name's (Y/N),you must be B right?" i asked and she nodded and handed me the lighter "Oh no no no you can keep it" I said

I could see her eyes widen,she smiled slightly and nodded

Me and B walked back to the Mansion,the whole walk was silent but not an awkward silence it was comfortable,when we arrived at the door i looked at B,she did the same i smiled at her and opened the double doors

After i opened the doors i was quickly engufed into a lot of hugs which made me and my attackers to fall onto the Floor "Eep!" i squeaked

I looked at my attackers only to be shocked by who they are

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