Ch.8 - SlenderBrothers

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(Y/N)'s POV

Today i was planning to just relax

I get out of the bathroom and wore my black shirt,a (F/C) jacket,a skirt that stops above my knees,white socks which stops mid-thigh and black ankle boots

I took my pain killers,placed them in my pocket and put my gun in my boot and my dagger in the other

I walked out my room and down the stairs only to see all the Pastas gathered up,I got confused 'is there a meeting i'm not included to?' i thought to my self

"Ah...(Y/N) child,perfect timing i was about to call you but Jane said i shouldn't because of your head ache" Slenderman explained,I nodded in understanding and stood between Jane and B

"Today i'll be introducing my three brothers" Slender explained and stood aside revealing a Slender with glasses but no eyes,a Slender with a happy face and colourful polkadots all over him,he also has a black hat with colourful polkadots,a guy with a black fedora and a  black trench coat,he also has a smirk

"This is Splendorman you all can call him by that name or Splendor or Splendy" Slender said motioning to the one with Colouful polkadots, Splendorman automatically ran to B,going behind her and hugging her,B still has her bored looking face which looks like this ; -.-

"This is Trenderman or Trender or Trendy"
Slender said and motioned to the one with glasses,He walked over to Jane and examined her dress

"And finally Offenderman or Offender or Offendy" Slender said looking annoyed,as he motioned to the one with the smirk and trench coat

After Slenderman introduced Offender the pastas either went to their rooms,hang out with others, go on a killing spee, or go on a mission

Me,Jane,and B just sat on the couch
Splendor still hugging B as we sat
Trender drawing something on a sketch pad,Offender walked other to us and stood in front of me
"Who's this beauty?~" he asked

I groaned and held my head "Jaaaannnnneeeee" I said, Jane looked at me as i took the pain killers from my pocket,Jane then quickly ran into the Kitchen and came back with water

Jane handed me the water,i quickly took a pill and drank the water,i handed her the water which she gladly threw onto the table without it shattering,the pain killers quickly took effect as soon as Jane sat beside me

Offender looked confused and handed me a Red Rose, i stared at it as my hand reached for it,Jane was about to stop me but didn't when she saw me quickly took my gun out and point it at Offender with my finger on the Trigger

"Child don't kill my brother even if he's an idiot" Slenderman said,i groaned and placed my gun in my boot and took my dagger,cutting the rose

"Don't come near me if you don't wanna get kicked out of this house....or worse Killed" I said and fliched as my vision got blurry,Offender left to probably flirt with another girl

"N-not again..." I said,Jane placed her hand on my shoulder "Should i get Ej?" Jane asked "You don't have to" someone said and walked infront of us,It was Ej

"Seems like i know what to do,and since i saw what happened personally it helped even more" Ej explained,i slightly nodded and leaned my back on Jane's side

"It won't take long to make,but you have to wear it until you know how to control that power of yours,if you learn how to control it the head aches will stop" Ej explained,took a bag from the side of the couch and left to find what ever he was making for this

-Time Skip to Midnight when all of the pastas are sleeping"

Ej still hadn't come back everyone was asleep,Jane as at my door on the other side sleeping in her sleeping bag,the only one awake is me

Slender installed a water dispenser for me temporarily,he also stopped giving Jane and I missions for the mean time

Now i'm just sitting on my Bed waiting for Ej 'He said it wouldn't take long to make,but then why is it taking so long' i thought

Then i heard tapping on my window i took my dagger and opened the curtains to see Ej,i quickly open the window and help him in "Wow Jeff wasn't kidding when he said that Jane was kind of a guard dog" he whispered

He gave me a small (F/C) box "It's inside never take it off unless you're practicing that power,i made sure it's comfortable to sleep in and to wear everyday,it wont rust either" Ej explained in a low voice so he won't wake anyone

"Okay,when should i start wearing it?" I asked "Tonight you can but it's up to you" he replied,i nodded and opened the small box

It was a necklace; Small dark Silver chains,with a dark silver snaking around a Red crystal pendant,the dark silver was tight and secured so i didn't have to worry for the crystal to fall

I wore the necklace to see it was a perfect fit "There's a spell on that necklace only you can take it off,but if someone mind controls you and tells you it take it off it won't work"  Ej explained and left my room carefully hopping over Jane

I went to the door and whispered a thank you,closed the door,I placed my dagger in my drawer and laid down

' this necklace better work or else i'm gonna punch you Ej' I thought as i smiled and went to slept peachfully

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