Ch.17 - Killing Spree

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(Y/N)'s POV

We're standing a few meters away from the building and we just stared at it "B go up front and do your thing" Masky ordered, B nodded and started walking torwards the front where two guards were standing,we hid in the forest near the entrance so we could easily sneak in and see what she's doing

"Who are you,and what are you doing here?" A guard asks, B pointed to her throat and waved her hand in a no motion "You're mute?" the other guard asks, she nodded innocently "do you have an appointment here or something" the first guard asks, she shakes her head 'no' and started to look behind her from time to time looking scared "what is it?" the second guard asks taking a step closer to her with the other guard

B gulps and draws a line across her neck then pointed to the sign on the building "Are you targeted by the CreepyPastas?!" the guards ask together,she nodded and started tearing up "she's great at acting" i whispered to no one in particular "yeah,she's always in missions that includes being under cover" Masky whispers to me,i nodded and focused on what B is doing

the tears started to fall and she wiped them away,the two guards stood in front of her nd placed their hands on her shoulders "hey don't worry come inside,you'll be safer" the first one said,B looked up at them with tearful but hopeful eyes,she nodded with a slight smile that you can barely see from where we are,they walked to the entrance and the second one opened the entrance with a key,a passcode, and an ID card

I looked at B and see her smiling insanely,she pulled out a knife and stabbed the first guard on the side of his neck and the second one looked at her with terrified eyes, she then slit his throat and stabbed his chest where his heart should be,she then looked at us and motioned us to come with a kind smile

We ran to her and Masky took the key and ID card from the first guard and headed inside

Me and Hoodiw closed the door and we all were now standing in the darkness "Oops,i didn't see this coming" BEN said, i pulled something i always secretly bring just in case this happens

I turned on the flashlight and gave it to Masky so he can lead the way "BEN change of plans hack the security system and open the doors to where we're headed, and also keep the lights closed,we have an advantage to it" I said smiling at the end

BEN did salute and dissapeared in a flash of glitches, we see the lights from a distance close and a door open, we start walking through the open doors,a guard then appeared with four others behind him, he saw us and started attacking, and of course we did the same, the other guards joined in

After a few minutes we killed them "Alright, B and Lj go to the manager's office and knock him out, (Y/N) and Ej go with them and make sure it goes smoothly and make sure no one disturbs them, the rest kill the people in this whole building make sure no one survives" Masky ordered, we all nodded, the four of us ran up the stairs and onto the top floor, we ran into the office, Me and Ej stayed outside while the two went inside

me and Ej soon heard glass breaking and a few stuff falling, Ej looked at me, i kept a strait face and ignored the noises "Should we check on them?" he asked, i sighed and nodded but then a ton of guards came running up the stairs, i grabbed my guns and shot the ones up front "Ej make sure no one goes through that door" I said and continued shooting, some of the guards started shooting as well, i just dodged and continued attacking

Soon i ran out of bullets,i quickly placed the guns in their place and grabbed my knives from my boots and started close combat, Ej started helping as well but he stayed near the door

but all the fighting stopped when we heard a loud explosion coming from inside the office, the guards looked over to me and Ej "what?" be both asked while shrugging our shoulders "i think we should stop fighting and check the office" one of the female guards suggested,i nodded and started walking torwards the door

"Ej stay here" i whispered to him, he nodded as i enetred the office, i closed the door

I turned around and i was SHOOK

The whole office is messed up and Lj stood there holding a....samurai sword?

he's protecting a what seems to be...

an..injured B...

i stayed quiet,since they haven't sensed me here,i quietly walked to a surprisingly not broken glass vase, i took it and walked over to the manager and smacked his head using the vase, he was then knocked out cold "wow....the vase didn't break" i stated looking at the vase which didn't have a crack but it did have blood on it from the manager's head

"are you two okay?" i asked Lj and B placing the vase down "yeah, but are you and Ej okay?, we heard fighting outside" Lj said "oh, we're fine.......OH SHOOT!!" i exclaimed and ran to the door and opened it

i sighed in relief when i see Ej standing there, i looked over his shoulder to see the rest of the guards dead, i gave Ej the look that said 'really'

He just shrugged "come on guys we have to get back since i already have enough food and the mission is done" Ej said, i just now realized that he was holding a bloody bag, i'm guessing organs were in there,i looked over to Lj and B, the manager was tied up in a rope and is now wearing a blind fold "where did....." i trailed off "nevermind" i added and started walking to the stairs

Lj has the manager over his shoulder who is still out cold and Ej holding the bloody bag and helping B walk, i sat on the stairs railing and slid all the way down, i enjoyed the view on every floor, all the floors are covered in blood and has dead guard bodies laying around

at the first floor i see the rest of the pastas, Toby is cleaning all the weapons using a cloth, the pastas looked over to me and i smiled "where's Ej,Lj, and B?" Bloody Painter asked, i pointed up and held out ten fingers, nine, eight, seven

BEN looked at me confused "what are you doing?" he asked

"three, two, ONE!!" i yelled the last word and the three pastas appeared on the stairs

Clockwork ran to them and took B from Ej, Masky nodded "let's head back now, you all did a good job" Masky said walking to the open doors, i followed closely behind him walking happily

[DISCONTINUED] Glares like Daggers [CreepyPasta X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now