Ch.6 - A fight and an Ache

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(Y/N)'s POV

I was peacefully sleeping in my bed tired out from all the happenings yesterday
(Keyword; WAS)

Then i heard screaming....

I groaned,took my gun i always use and walked out my room since i fell asleep with my clothes yesterday i rub my eye and walk over to the balcony railing and see......Three Slendermans

My eyes widened,i shook my head and looked again "What the Fuuuuuuuuu-" I said dragging the U before being Tackled into a hug "Oof!" I said and looked to see Hoodie "You okay Hoods?" I asked

"T-The b-better question is a-are YOU okay?!" He asked i see Masky and Jeff,Jeff was pushing B torwards us 'what?' i thought to my self tilting my head a little

Jeff whispered something to B and she began to write

Do you remember what happened Yesterday at the mission?

I nodded as an answer "Hoodie i'm fine don't worry about me okay?" I whispered to him,Hoodie nodded and let go "Come on you three the Slenderbrothers are here" We heard BEN yell

I looked and saw it was only Me,Hoodie and B on the second floor,Me and Hoodie walked down stairs while B just jumped off the railing and landed on the couch beside BEN,I pun my gun inside my boot and looked at BEN playing video games

and Toby annoying B who ignored him as she examined her knife "(Y/N),Child can you please get Sally?" Slenderman asked "Sure" i replied and walked up the stairs and to Sally's door "Knock,knock~" i said as i knocked twice on her pink door

Sally opened her door and smiled at me "Slender told me to get you,let's go" i said as she held my hand and we walked back

-Short Timeskip to Lunch-

Me,Jane,and B were in Sally's room braiding each others hair as much as we can;B is french braiding Sally's hair as the little girl draws

Jane braiding B's awfully long black hair
and Me seperately brading Jane's hair and braiding it all into one

"Girls please go to the Living room so you can meet my brothers" Slenderman said peeking from Sally's Doorframe,B wrote on her notebook and showed it to Slender

Okay,were done with eachother's hair anyways!

She then put a pink bow at the end of Sally's beautiful French Braid,She stood up and walked out with Sally,Her notebook and pen

I put a black ribbon on Jane's hair,she looked at me,I shrugged and we stood up following B and Sally

when we were at the top the the stairs Jane and I ducked down to be almost hit by a flying Vase,i crawled over to the balcony railing to see BEN and Jeff fighting,Slenderman can't stop them cause he's covering Sally's ears since their throwing curse words at each other

B was being hugged by a Slender that had polkadots on his suit and hat,he has a face and a smile,B just looked at the fighting BEN and Jeff,Masky was being chased by an Annoying Toby,Hoodie was chasing Toby trying to stop him from annoying Masky

I was guessing that the rest were on a mission or is in a Killing Spree

I looked at Jane and she was just as annoyed as me,I looked over to Sally and saw that she was about to Cry 'Oh no she saw them Fighting...' I thought as my eyes widened,I put my finger on my lips and whistled to B,she looked at me with a confused look

I pointed at Sally who was already tearing up,Slender didn't notice cause he was looking at the five pastas causing a mess

B dashed over to Sally leaving the polladot covered Slender,B helped cover Sally's ears and stood infront of her so she wouldn't see

"WOULD YOU ALL STOP TURNING THIS MANSION INTO A PLACE WORSE THAN HELL?!!!" I yelled,my voice changing a slight bit at the end,Jeff and BEN stopped fighting,Hoodie,Masky,and Toby stopped chasing each other

Jeff,BEN,Hoodie,Masky,and Toby looked at me,I Pointed at Sally who had tears falling from her eyes

their eyes widened but Jeff's eyes just widened a tiny bit cause he already has big eyes,he's cut smile was frowning a bit

My vision got slightly blurry so i sat down and leaned on the Balcony "Hey,you okay?" Jane asked "My v-vision got blurry...." i sighed out and closed my eyes

Jane rubbed my back and helped me go back into my room so i could rest

"Did you eat this morning?" Jane asked me as i laid on my bed "Yeah..." I answered "did you drink enough water?" she asked again " Yes...ugh..." I answered and groaned cause i'm starting to have a slight head ache

"Probably from screaming..." Jane mumbled rubbing her chin in thought "Then again....your voice did change slightly.." She said looking up at the ceiling

then someone barged into the door almost breaking it making me and Jane flinch

My head ache increased a tiny bit making me groan and lay on my side holding my head,even with my eyes closed i could tell that Jane threw her knife at the person who dodged it

"S-Sorry" the person said,i didn't recognize the voice though,My head ache got a lot worse making me whimper
"J-Jane...." i stuttered out,holding my head tighter

"W-What is it,are you Okay,should i get Slender,or should i get Ej?!" She panicked
Tears started to flow out my eyes cause of the unbearable pain and the feeling that is like your brain is trying to break your skull

"E-E...j.." I tried saying,seems like she heard cause then i heard heels running out of the room after i heard pushing and her saying 'Get out of the way!' in a panicked tone like her friend would give birth any second now

a few minutes later i heard Jane and Ej come into my room "I haven't seen any of the pastas get this strong of a head ache...." Ej said "Did she eat today" Ej asked Jane "yes and she drank enough water and slept well too!!" Jane said

"Before she had a head ache what happened first?" Ej asked "Jeff and BEN were fighting,Masky was running being chased by Toby who is trying to annoy him and Hoodie trying to Chase Toby to stop him,Slender couldn't stop Jeff and BEN" Jane explained

"Why couldn't he stop them and what about B?" Ej asked "Well for one Jeff and BEN were throwing vases that almost hit me and (Y/N) and also throwing curses at each other so Slender had to cover Sally's ears who was downstairs and B.....she was Being hugged by Slender's Brother who was covered in Polkadots" Jane explained again

"Mhm...okay continue" Ej said "Sally must've seen them fighting and was about to cry,(Y/N) whistled to B,B looked at us,(Y/N) pointed to Sally who was already tearing up,B ran to Sally out of the other Slender's hug and helped cover her ears,she also stood infront of Sally so she wouldn't see them fight" Jane said and took a breath

"Then.....(Y/N)...screamed..her voice became different at the end,then she said her vision got blurry so we went into her room so she could rest and now here we are" Jane kinda finding the problem cause her voice went up and down while explaining

"What do you mean her voice changed?" Ej asked "Can you stop turning this mansion into a place worse than HELL?!" She said and made her voice change at the last word "Like that but....m-more demonic like i guess?" Jane said questioning herself

"ahh...i see...i'll do some research and tell if i find a solution...for now...(Y/N)" Ej said making me slightly open my eyes "here take these,it'll help for the mean time" Ej said in a Gentle voice making butterflies erupt in my stomach

Ej gave me a bottle of Pain killers and patted my head before leaving "J-Jane....w-water.." i said slowly,Jane ran out quickly and came back just as fast as she went out and gave me the water,i sat down and quickly took one pain killer and gulped all the water down

I laid down and waited for the pills to take effect

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