Ch.21 - Protecting Brooklyn

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(Y/N)'s POV

you know those people who are annoyingly plastic and you want to murder them right here right now, that their so annoying you wouldn't even care about the witnesses and jail?

yeah, that's what i'm feeling right now "You're a slutty bitch and no one will love you" Justine a female who is the person who bullies Brook most, the daughter of the Principal, the number one bully in Forestation High (It's The High school's name)

Her male friends are holding Jeffery, Benjamin, Timothy, Tony, and Brian down on the floor while one of them just holds me back, they underestimate my power, just cause i'm a female they think i can't break out of their weak grip, but i'll stay calm and pretend to be weak at the moment, i'm waiting for the right time to strike, i'm guessing the boys are too

Justine then pulls on Brooklyn's hair and smirks tauntingly "You're just a waste of space in this place, you were born on the wrong time and place, you shouldn't have even existed in the first place" Justine insults, honestly her insults are terrible, even a five year old with 10 IQ can insult better than her

I can see tears in Brook's eyes as Justine throws countless insults at her but what Justine said next was what i was waiting for, a time to pretend to snap, and protect Brook "You know you can be better, be more pretty, and be more popular, you know how?, kill yourself and hope that you won't be like this in your next life" Justine insults, i then look down starting the act and very harshly elbow the ribs of the guy holding me back, i think everyone heard the painful sound out bones breaking

but of course us killers are satisfied by those sounds, the guy holding me down crumbles to the ground passing out from the shock and pain "tch, pathetic, and i thought he would be strong enough to atleast stay awake to witness what i'll do next" i say dissapointed with my bangs covering my eyes, i pick up my now broken glasses, and put them on my head, i look up to meet Justine's terrified green eyes staring at my own now red eyes, snapping my fingers, my fellow Murderers knock out the guys holding them down, using my magic to also make Brooklyn pass out

"You shouldn't have done that" Benjamin says deactivating the necklace, returning to his short glitched state, Jeffery then deactivates his aswell, taking out a knife, he starts to walk over to Justine, I on the other hand quickly make a barrier around us, so no one from the outside sees us, Justine, Blood, or weapons can go through the barrier, i also places a barrier on the floor just incase things get extremely messy

"Permission to Commit murder" Jeff looks at me jokingly, i smile and tilt my head slightly "Permission granted" i say then look at Justine who probably pissed her pants "what?, scared bitch?" i ask her raising an eyebrow, Justine then backs away as Jeff approach her "BEN, Hoodie, Masky, Toby...i give you all permission to murder those boys" i inform pointing to the passed out weaklings who all probably have broken ribs and spines by how hard we hit them

The boys smirk and pull out their original weapons or use their magic, murdering the guys with a lot of fun, i just stand there watching the party happen, I watch Jeff, stab Justine on the stomach, after saying 'Go to sleep' Justine dying from all the organs that Jeff stabbed, and carving a deeper smile than usual, BEN somehow stabbing a guy with a bunch of wires with electricity going through it, Hoodie and Masky shooting the mens heads, then poking the corpse using a stick which is conviniently around, Toby hammering a guy's head using the back if his hatchet

After the murder i make the barrier dissapear including all the blood and corpses, they then activated the necklace again, which is back to normal, i took blood from the corpses from my now infinite storage system in a void- which is where the corpses are and some of my other stuff- and run them on Jeffery, Benjamin, and Timothy's knuckles to look like they punched the dudes, i then splat some blood on our shoes and the street floor to make things realistic, i then summon a very clean knife and give cut my cheek a few spaces below my eye, and give it to the boys to cut themselves with

"atleast two of us has to have a bruises.....someone punch me, make sure there's a bruise but don't make it major" i order seriously, the boys look at each other then they all look at Jeffery "WHY ARE YOU LOOKING AT ME?!" he complains "you punch her" Benjamin says "fine!!" Jeffery yells, i close my eyes and brace myself, i feel Jeffery punch me exactly the way i wanted "oof" i say "that hurts...alright who's the other one getting a bruise?" i ask, Tony raises his hand, i then punch him, "there we go, now we go to Brook and act slightly tired from fighting, the bullies left afraid and we won't know they went missing" i inform then walk torwards Brooklyn's passed out body

i crouch down and shake her pretending to be tired "Brook...Brook wake up" i say emotionlessly, i hear a soft groan coming from Brook then she opens her eyes showing us her hazel eyes, she looks at us the stands up quickly "OH MY GODS!!, are you guys okay?!, you didn't break any bones right?!!" she panics, "we're fine, just a few wounds and bruises" Jeffery informs her wiping the blood off his chin, that he got from himself, he bit his bottom lip to receive that "let me take you guys to my house so i can mend your wounds it's the least i could do for you guys protecing me" she offers "fine, if you insist" i says and help her up, taking Brook's bag from the ground and carrying it for her

"Thank you guys so much for doing all this for me" she thanks "it's fine, a deal's a deal" Benjamin replies as we walk to Brook's house

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