Ch.18 - Mission Complete

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(Y/N)'s POV

When we got back Ej ran to the non-human side of the kitchen and placed the bloody bag in the freezer,he then ran to Clockwork and took B, helping her go into the! (Ahem)

I soon ran to my room and took the first aid kit from my bathroom and slid down the railing of the stairs "Okay who's wounded?!" I yelled while looking for wounds or any kinds of injuries and when i do find one or five (on BEN) "BEN....the hell, you were just hacking where the fuuuu-rick!, did these come from?!" I yelled censoring the bad word because Sally is watching us from the second floor

"I got distracted and got attacked by the guy who's supposed to be in the security room" He said nervously smiling

I looked at BEN and grabbed his arm with a wound on it and 'gently'
Poured alcohol on it...

Lj,Clockwork and Toby began laughing their head off while BEN looked like he was being burned to death.Technecally.... he is but let's not talk about that

After i poured a handful of alcohol, i placed a cloth on it and started wraping it.I did this with his other wounds but a 'bit' more 'gentle' with the alcohol. Next was Clockwork, she only had a scratch on her hand, i cleaned hers very gently and placed a cloth and wrapping it. not too tight but tight enough that it wouldn't fall

Then Toby who has a few scratches here amd there, i poured Alcohol on a cotton ball and started to gently dab it on his wounds "(Y-Y/N) *tic* you d-don't have t-to be *tic* g-gen-gentle *tic* i w-won't fe-feel it!" he said, I stopped for a minute and looked up at him, we locked eyes for a second, I smiled sweetly, then continued to dab gently as Toby deadpanned

I giggled and did the same thing after cleaning it, i turned to Lj and searched for wounds, surprisingly he didn't have any "W-what?" i asked surprised and looked up at him. he chuckled and blew a raspberry (Stuck his tounge out)

"How can you not have a single wound when B has like....a lot..and i saw that you were standing in front if her so that is just IMPOSSIBLE!!" i rambled "Magic~~~" Lj replied lifting his hand with his pointer finger out (he looked like he was pointing up)

"HOW COME YOU DABBED ALCOHOL ON THEIR WOUNDS G3nT?!!" BEN asked obviously trigged, he was glitching for a few seconds before Jeff randomly appeared behind him and sprayed water

"AAAAAAHHHH" BEN screamed running away getting the water away from him. I had to cover my mouth to suppress a laugh

Two days Later

Today I was outside practicing my magic, I was slightly getting better,now I can identify any person and receive any information about them at will, I can also receive directions to any place sooo that's handy


someone screams

i walk to a window and look inside, the table's flipped over the chairs tumbled over some are broken and past the kitchen is Jeff chasing BEN with a knife the living room's also trashed

"how did-" i cut my self off "ya know what i'm not even gonna ask" i say to my self and head inside to clean the mess they've made


hello fellow wattpad users i am very (not that) sorry for not updating, i have once again a terrible writer's block that is ruining my life, i wanted to write something so here it is something that is shorter than usual

again i'm very (NoT tHaT) sorry

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