Ch.19 - NaNI?!!

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(F/N) - (Fake Name)

(Y/N)'s POV

"My children today you'll have another special mission" Slenderman spoke "NaNI?!!" BEN spoke glitching "Yes,yes, i am well aware that the Pastas in this room just went on a mission, but this one is a very important task" Slender stated then handed Masky a file

"w-wait...i do not understand sir" Masky said then looked up at the tall faceless man "we have to go to a high school as new students?" He (Masky) continued "WHAT?!!" Jeff and BEN asked shooked

"B-but *tic* Slend-derm-man sir w-won't t-the *tic* humans f-fig-gure out who w-we are? *tic*" Toby asked "Indeed, that is why i made Blood Blade and Laughing Jack come to the last mission" Slender started to explain "Pardon?" i asked

"That building has a few of me and my brothers magical possesions, they stole it, Blood Blade and Laughing Jack retrieved it along with the things you all are using to be transformed into the people before you became killers" Slender explained "But some of you will have a few modifications on your appearances like (Y/N) for example, since she did not change her appearance when she became a killer there will be changes so people won't know it's her" He explained once more

The Proxies started to hand out necklaces, the pendants were the Pasta symbol "Using these necklaces you can change from human to pastas at will, and you're the only ones that can take that off also by will, just in case someone tries to ruin this mission" Slender explained...Again

-The Next Day-

I woke up from an amazing sleep only to remember the mission "dang it" i spoke out loud while standing up, i sighed and took the uniform i was supposed to wear (Picture above) all the pastas in this mission already wore the necklaces last night at the meeting

After i took a shower i wore the uniform, i took the file on my desk, it's supposed to be who i am for this mission (Btw the blazer/Jacket is tied around your waist)

File Information

Full name; (F/N) Jollywoods
Age; 16
Personality; A smart girl that is almost everytime blunt, she glares a lot especially to strangers who walks torwards her
Birthday; July 15 2003
Friends; Jeffery Jollywoods, Tony Brooks, Timothy Cruz (Masky), Brian Timberclark (Hoodie)

At the bottom of the imformation was a note

Dear (Y/N)
this is Blade, your uniform is modiefied, jane also placed long white thigh-high socks there so you can put your dagger somewhere, and in your blazer is your gun full of ammo and don't worry the uniform is designed so even if you put a shot gun in the blazer it won't be noticed, I wish you luck on this mission

And that's all there is in the file
i close the file and stand up, i took my dagger and placed it in my right sock and a knife in my left boot

I walk out and down the stairs into the kitchen the pastas that are gonna be in this mission is all there eating breakfast, i sit down on an empty chair in the middle of Hoodie and Jeff, i ate the delicious
(F/F) after we ate, Jeff handed me a
(F/C) backpack, i opened the zipper and checked it's contents

10 note books, a pencil case with 9 black pens and sharpened pencils, 2 white erasers, 2 pencil sharpeners, a book that i can read when bored, a sketch pad and there's a lunch box inside, inside the lunch box is two of my favourite sandwich, an apple and a juice box

There's also a cold water bottle outside of the backpack along with an umbrella on the other side "Thanks 'cousin'" i said and smirked "Oh shut up '(F/N)'" he shot back with the same smirk

so since the people the pastas are before they became killers are either known as dead or missing, Slender had made us use different names or Last names

Jeff will be known as Jeffery Jollywoods,he's my 'cousin' he's supposed to be a year older than me, now he has blackhair and blue eyes, his skin is almost pale, he also didn't have his carved smile but still has his original White hoodie, black pants, and shoes but no blood stains. He actually looked cut- wait wat?!

I blushed slightly but it was unnoticable

(A/N; I'm just gonna make a description of every pasta in this mission)

BEN will be known as Benjamin Charles Jones, he'll be known as a gamer boi that i will be friends with but when we first arrive we'll pretend like we don't know each other, he's supposed to be 11 months older than me, he has white skin, blonde hair, a light blue left eye and dark blue right eye, his eyes are turned normal but any pasta would see the intent to kill in his eyes, he has a white shirt, a grass green jacket with a hood, black pants and green shoes

Masky will be known as Timothy Cruz, he's supposed to be a childhood friend of mine and Jeff's childhood friend, he's the same age as 'Jeffery Jollywoods', he has the same skin tone as BEN's, slightly light brown hair, hazel eyes with a tint of red, he doesn't have his mask and it seems that he's mad about it, he's wearing a white shirt, a jacket tied around his waist, the jacket has the same colour as his original one, black pants and shoes

Hoodie will be known as Brian Timberclark, He's the same age as 'Timothy', he's also a childhood friend, same skin tone as the previous two, lighter brown hair than 'Timothy', darker brown eyes, with the same tint of red, he's wearing a hoodie similar to his original one except it has black two black stripes on each sleeve a few spaces away below his shoulders, he dind't have his ski mask, he's wearing black pants and shoes like 'Timothy'

Toby will be known as Tony Brooks, Smae age as 'Benjamin', a friend of 'Brian' and 'Timothy', white skin, brown hair, hazel eyes, he, doesn't have his goggles and mouthguard, his scar also seemed to have disappeared, he's wearing a slightly dark grey jacket with a black shirt underneath, black pants, and dark grey shoes

so that's everyone in this mission, i smiled to my self and wore a serious and cold expression on my face already getting into character, i took the black round glasses from my skirt pocket and wore it, it didn't have lenses but you wouldn't even notice that even if you're centimeters away from my face "Children when you exit this Mansion you shall adress your selves as the characters your assigned to" Slender spoke to us telepathically, we all stepped out and the others went into character as well, Jeffery shoved his hands into his hoodie pocket, Benjamin, took out his phone and started playing a game, Toby started to eat a cookie that must have been in his backpack (All of you are wearing backpacks with your necessary needs including extra weapons) Timothy and Brian walked and stayed silent, Timothy has his hands in his pockets while Brian has his on his side, i just walked silently with them

soon before we reached the end of the forest we splitted into two groups, since it would look suspicious if people who didn't even know each other walked side by side to the high school, Jeffery, Timothy, and Brian were with me, Benjamin and Tony were together, we all headed to the high school and stepped into a whole new world

'this is gonna be an interesting mission' i thought mentally grinning

[DISCONTINUED] Glares like Daggers [CreepyPasta X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now