Ch.10 - A New Friend

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(Y/N)'s POV

I was walking around the forest thinking of the pastas and how worried they were about me..good thing Jane and the others got into my room before i starved to death

I suddenly tripped on something making me fall forward "Woah!" i exclaimed in surprise,i catched my self using my hands and knees,problem is i wounded them "Ouch,ouch,ouch,ouch!" is repeated

i tried standing up but just fell back again cause of the pain my hands just had scratches but my knees were bleeding,i heard rustling in the trees "Who's there?" i ask like there's someone knocking on the door and saw a human like creature with redish-black eyes and grey skin,it was so skinny

It growled and it seems like it doesn't like me being here "S-sorry,b-but if you want me to leave,i believe i can't.." I stuttered out nicely?

i noticed that it was standing on all fours,it took something from the ground using it's mouth and 'walked' over to me placing it on my lap

It was a black Crystal shard "what's this?" i ask,it pointed to my necklace,i took my necklace but didn't remove it,i then saw a piece missing,i placed the black crystal shard in it and it fitted perfectly,i whole crystal then glowed and lifted it self from my hands

It sended out a gust of wind,but not strong enough to push me,the crystal then landed back on my hand,i examined it and saw that the crystal was now half red and half black "woah cool!" i exclaimed "Your father wanted you to have that necklace but your mother stopped him from giving it to you" I heard someone say in a rough and scratchy voice,I looked at the creature and tilted my head slightly

"was that you?" i asked, it nodded "Cool! what's your name?" I asked "'re very nice so i won't harm you and i will protect you" Rake said and seems like it's a male!

"What do you mean by that?" I asked "The other Pastas doesn't like me very much,their scared of me and sometimes try and kill me" He said sadly "Aww,don't worry i won't harm you too!" i said happily and hugged him sideways

"My name's (Y/N) by the way!" i said cheerfully and let go of him "(Y/N) GET AWAY FROM THAT CREATURE!!" i heard someone yell,i quickly turned around To see the Proxies,Jane,And Slenderman,looks like Masky was the one who yelled

I looked at Rake and Smirked as i winked, he got the idea and played along "i c-cant..s-stand up!" I said sadly as Rake  stood in the middle of me and the Pastas pretending to be wild and murderous

Rake scowled and looked at me harshly,i pretended to Flinch and slowly scoot away, i started to fake my crying

Rake raised his hand with claws and was about to pretend kill me "(Y/N)!!!" I heard everyone say,i looked at them and smiled a closed eyed smile as tears fell

I then quickly hugged Rake and laughed "You did a great job!!" I exclaimed happily and let him go sitting on the floor

"Great job Child,i knew you had something great in you" Slenderman praised me,making me smile widely

"YOU KNEW?!!" the others yelled except for Toby who ran to me and hugged me "I-I*tic*THOUGHTY-YOU*tic*WEREGONNA DIE!!"
(I-I *tic* THOUGHT Y-YOU *tic* WERE GONNA DIE!!)" He yelled very quickly

"You can't get rid of me that easily" I said and chuckled as i played with his hair,I could see a tint of red on his ears 'so he's blushing ey~' i thought and smirked at Toby

"W-what *tic* are y-you smirking *tic* at?!" He said,i could tell that he was stuttering if he didn't have his conditions
"I know you're blushing Toby Rogers" I said and tapped his nose twice in a playful manner

Toby just covered his face by buring his face into my jacket,I petted his head and looked at Hoodie and Masky,I somehow could tell that they were jealous

I reached out my other hand to them,they looked at each other and hesitantly walked over

They sat and the ground,i hugged them both having a dorky smile on my face,even if my knees hurt,that still won't stop me from smiling "(Y-Y/N)...y-your knees a-are b-bleeding" Hoodie said in a worried tone

"Don't worry i'm fine!" I said cheerfully even if they do hurt a tiny bit "SLENDER!!" i heard BEN yell "What is it Child?" Slender asked facing BEN who ran here "B-B w-was *breathes in* s-shot!" BEN yelled

My eyes widened as i stood up not caring about my knees,Toby fell,since he was laying on my lap,I quickly rushed to the mansion hearing Masky,Hoodie,and Toby calling my name but i didn't care

when i got to the mansion i quickly barged in and ran up the stairs tripping a few times "(Y/N)!!!" I heard Masky 'Seems like they're following me' i thought and looked back as i stopped at the top of the stairs

I saw him stop at the entrance of the Mansion "Y-you'll pass out from blood loss if you keep moving, just rest!" He said worriedly,i slowly shook my head and ran to Ej's clinic which was at the end of the hallway

When i entered i see Ej cleaning his medical tools

Eyeless Jack's POV

I was finished cleaning Blood's wound and already took out the bullet,good thing there wasn't an infection

I was just cleaning my medical tools until i heard a thump,I quickly turned around only to see a heavily breathing (Y/N) who is on the ground which may I add has bleeding knees

I ran to her and crouched down to her level "Are you okay,what happened?" I asked "I-Is...B...okay..." she asked before passing out into my arms

i carried her bridal style and gently placed her on another bed,and treated the wounds on her knees and scratches on her hands

After i bandaged her knees and hands i sighed and smiled at her sleeping form "You really are somethin'" i said and kissed her forehead before leaving the room,closing the door gently

[DISCONTINUED] Glares like Daggers [CreepyPasta X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now