Ch.3 - SlenderMansion

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(Y/N)'s POV

When we arrived at a clearing in the forest i saw a Huge Mansion "woah" i said "Heh that was my reaction when i saw this place" Blondie said

When we were at the door if the mansion i was infront of the six they turned back into their CreepyPasta forms,i saw the three that broke into my room last night Blondie was still short his white eyes turned black and had Red irises with blood leaking out of his eyes,he had a green hat,green long sweater and such

the guy with strawberry brown hair now has black hair with paper white skin,no eye lids and has a cut out smile his hoodie has dried blood stained on it

the guy with the black hoodie still has the same clothing but has grey skin and a navy blue mask with black sockets and black goo leaking out

I smirked as the door started to slowly open i saw the six step aside i didn't know why though,when the door fully opened i saw weapons made their was torwards me but i didn't move,i just glared at them

I saw all the weapons being held by black tendrils "Knew it" i said the black tendrils gave the weapons to their owners "everyone this is (Y/N) please treat her with respect" Slender said teleporting beside me

"What a lovely greeting" i said sarcastically before feeling a tug on my jacket,i looked down and saw a little girl "Hello miss!! My name's Sally and this is Charlie!!" she said happily pointing to her Teddy bear "Well hello there Sally and Charlie,my name's (Y/N)!" i said kneeling down 'Slender can i give Sally something sweet' i thought since i knew he can read minds

I saw Slender nod so i reached for my second backpack where i put the paper bag Mason gave me and took out a chocolate bar,i handed it to Sally and i swear i could see stars in her eyes "Thank you Miss
(Y/N)!!" Sally said taking the chocolate and hugging me

"Hey Sally! I have a great idea,why don't you introduce everyone to me?" I ask her
"Okay!!" She says happily and holds my hand draging me to the six outside "This is Hoodie" She said pointing to the guy with the ski mask,and a yellow hoodie

"This is Masky,and Toby!" She said pointing to the guy with a feminine mask and a guy with a mouth guard and goggles "That is BEN,Jeff,and Eyeless Jack or Ej!" she pointed to Blondie,the guy with a blood stained hoodie and the guy with the navy blue mask

after the six she ran inside dragging me with her "This is Clockwork,and Jane" Sally pointed to a girl with a beautiful green eye with a clock for another,a girl with black hair and a white mask with black eye sockets and black lips and
a black dress she also has paper white skin

-After all the introductions-

"That's all of them!" she said "Sals you forgot about somepeople" Ej said "Oh,Who?" Sally asked,Ej went to Sally and whispered something "Oh right! (Y/N) two of the girls and one boy are on a mission,they will be back tomorrow!!" Sally exclaimed "Okay heheh" I said and patted her hair i walked over to Jeff and Masky who had my bags

"Slender told us to-" Jeff said before being interupted "show me my room" i said smiling " you know that?" Jeff asked "Just a guess~" i said and climbed the stairs

We stopped at a (F/C) door with my name on it my name was from gold to silver,I entered and saw black wooden flooring,
(S/F/C) walls a black wooden bed with a white matress (F/C) blanket,a black closet,a window with (F/C) curtains and a black wooden desk

"Amazing...." i said in awe,Jeff and Masky chuckled at my reaction "Your room isn't the most beautiful in the Mansion" Masky said placing my bags on the bed "Yeah wait till you see B's Room" Jeff said

"Who's B?" I ask "It's what most of the call her,she's one of the girls on a mission" Masky said leaving my room with Jeff following

i sigh "seems like this is a good start for a new life" i said and smiled

Okay so none of you will be Confused 'B' is not really part of the CreepyPasta she's just an addition to the story (Guess who B is)

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