Ch. 22 - A lot of mistakes

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(Y/N)'s POV

Waking up and opening your eyes to see Jeff's clothed chest, with him spooning you, and BEN hugging you from behind with his arms around your waist is something very rare to see

yup that's what's happening, already having a very deep red face, i just lay there blushing, not wanting the two male killers to wake up, sighing quietly i just decided to lay there until they wake up since it's obviously impossible to escape Jeff and BEN's arms with your legs all tangled

-Timeskip to an hour later-

I feel Jeff shift slightly and then hear him groan, i look up at his Disguise and see him looking down at me.....smirking "you're really enjoying this aren't you" i said

"yup, i think we should wake up now" Jeffery replied "oh really, i wonder why" i said sarcastically "oh shut up" he replies smiling, Jeffery stands up and helps me get Benjamin's arms off me, getting up i take my bag from the table then turn to Jeff "we should wake up everyone then change" i ordered

-Timeskip to when the school opens-

Standing beside the school leaning on the wall with the Boys is what we planned to do and that's what we're doing, Jeffery, wearing a black hooded jacket, black pants and a white shirt and shoes, his shoulder length hair black hair in a low ponytail, leaning on the school wall with me, Benjamin, sitting on the floor leaning slightly on my legs, he's wearing a white shirt, a green jacket tied around his waist, with matching green shoes and black pants

Timothy, sitting in the middle-front of me and Jeffery, wearing an orange zipped up half-way jacket, a white shirt underneath, black pants and shoes. Brian laying on Tim's lap, wearing his yellow hoodie,black pants and shoes.then there's me, in the middle of Benjamin and Timothy, wearing a white long sleeved button up shirt, with a black tie loosely tied around my neck, a (F/C) jacket tied around my waist, with a black skirt, white thigh high socks and black boots that go up below my knees, my now brownish-red hair, in a high ponytail with my bangs out, and my 'glasses' on my head.

"Why are we hanging around here again??" Benjamin asked "we're waiting for school to start then skip most classes anyway" I replied awfully bluntly, a group of Girls then somehow accidentally approach us and one of them trips on Benjamin's legs and falls in front of me, she looks up and i can tell she notices a dark aura surrounding us "U-uhm..i-i'm v-very s-sor-ry!!!" she stutters and quickly stands up "p-please don't h-hurt me- i'm r-re-ally sorry!!!" she adds, "you're quite annoying" Jeffery says looking at her with half lidded eyes with his head tilted torwards me

"You seem like a girl who's targeted by bullies in this facility" Benjamin states "u-um yeah...i-i've been t-the t-target of bullying t-this year" she approves "why do they bully you, and haven't you reported this to the headmaster?" Tim asks emotionlessly "w-well....i have..b-but the headmaster doesn't do anything about ut, and he harrasses female students so i don't go near his office anymore" she informs us

Me and the gang look at each other then they grin knowing they found the core victim of our mission "What about a deal?" I ask the girl "w-what kind of deal?" she asks afraid "You do our assignments for us and we protect you from anything even outside of school grounds" i offer she looks at the ground probably thinking of the pros and cons "okay...i accept b-but only the assignments and projects you give, i can't do the physical endurance exams and midterm exams" she explains

i slightly grin and hold my right hand out "deal, it starts today" i say she, shakes my hand smiling a little more than me "there's a physical exam today right?" i ask her, she nods "okay stick around any of us and you'll be fine, boys make sure she doesn't get harmed, we'll also walk you home and to school starting today" i inform her going back to my stoic face "come on lets go to the back of the school, that's where the exam is right?" i retorically ask, she doesn't say anything so i'm guessing i'm correct

Walking to the school with her in front of me, Jeff, Tim, and Brian with Benjamin and Tony on both her sides, Reaching the back of the school we see a bunch of students like yesterday, we let the girl- Brooklyn from what my magic tells me- walk first, a BUNCH of bullies look at her and start walking torwards her grinning, Me and the gang walk out with weapons aka, Me holding a crowbar which is resting on my shoulder, Jeff with a cutter but he's hiding it in his Jacket's Pocket, and Benjamin with a nailed baseball bat

"Hey Brook sorry we're late, got a little carried away helping your mom and dad" Timothy says bluntly, Brooklyn catches up with the lie and goes along with it not even questioning how we know her name
"oh n-no it's fine, you insisted on helping!" she says slightly smiling, I look over to the bullies and notice that they stopped walking, they just stood there with wide eyes "Let's go Brook, the test will probably start soon" I emotionlessly inform and walk ahead of Brooklyn and the others, we head to the field with Brook behind me and the boys behind her

the teacher then tells us to throw a baseball, the students start to throw them the highest anyone got is 52 meters, soon it was Brook's turn, she steps intobthe circle and throws it "63 meters, wow good job Brook, i'm guessing no one can throw further than that!!" the teachers says, i grin, since it's my turn, i give the crowbar to Jeff, and take the ball from Brook patting her head on the way, i step into the circle and throw it with little to no effort, the teacher was about to scold me but got interupted by a beep from the device

"....210 m-meters?!" he yelled surprised then looks at me "whoops"i say slightly smiling, then turn to Brook and the boys, Brook stood there stunned as the gang around her smile slightly

Two words

Writer's Block

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