Ch. 20 - High School Mission

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(Y/N)'s POV

When we arrived we were in our full on characters Jeffery is behind me on the left, Timothy behind me on my right and Brian beside him

Jeffery has a lazy look on his face, hands in his pockets, Timothy has an emotional look on his face and has his hands beside him, Brian has a shy and timid look, he's fiddling with the rim of his hoodie

I have my hands beside me like Timothy, I have a cold look on my face,the students who were outside looked at us as we passed them, the three just simply ignore them but the cold look in my eyes just becomes harder, and that makes a lot of the students freeze in place, when we entered the school, the same thing happened, all of them froze, my glare hardened and they got scared, at the corner of my eye i can see Benjamin and Tony looking at us but not in fear but amazement

guess they have the same intention as me, being the character you were assigned to,soon we arrived at the principals office the students near were whispering 'i wonder what classes their in' or 'she looks smart and she's pretty too' but as soon as the principal's office were at our left

we just walked passed it since we already have our schedules, the four of us we to the soccer field and sat at the left goal, there were also a few students here, i looked at our schedules and found out that the only periods we have together was Physical Ed. and Lunch

A tick mark appeared on my cheek as i stared at the paper with a small smile and a twitching eye brow "what's the matter cuz?" Jeffery asked "this is the matter" i said showing him our schedules while rubbing my temple "Ugh, Lucifer why have you made us suffer like this" Jeffery complained "Don't you have magic to change these?" Timothy whispered to me

"I'll try" i mumble so only the four of us would hear, Jeffery gave me the papers i held them and used my mind to try and change it, Brian and Jeffery were making sure that no one looked our way or are near us

The ink on the paper soon slowly dissapeared, and are reapeared but the schedules are different, we now have everything together "that gave me a head ache" i said giving them their schedules, Jeffery gave me pain killers and a water bottle that came from his bag "Blade told me to bring these just in case" he said, i gave a small thank you and popped two pills into my mouth and drank the water

after that i hid the pill bottle in my skirt pocket and adjusted my slightly crooked glasses and noticed that it's fogged up, i took off my glasses and noticed that it now has lenses, i took my handkerchief and wiped the fog away 'i thought this thing didn't have lenses...' i thought to myself, after the fog is gone i wore it again, a piece of paper then landed on my lap from the handkerchief, i opened it and read

Dear (Y/N)
this is Trendy or Trenderman, a sibling of Slenderman, as you may know i made your outfit, your glasses can shift through having lenses to not having them, so it wouldn't look suspicious,you can control those by thinking so, like thinking you want it to have lenses or not, it will obey, also those are real lenses but they will only affect your sight by helping you vision become greater, good luck on your mission!

'Okay.....why couldn't that be explained while we were still in the mansion' i thought slightly sweat dropping, placed the note in my bag and look around with a cold expression, a group of friends then approached us, Jeffery, Brian and Tim glared at them but my glare was harder

Their group consisted of three boys and two girls, they noticably flinched and took a step back, "wow they really are feisty" i hear one of the boys 'whisper', he has blonde hair "yeah i thought they were joking" whispered back another this time he has black hair, the two girls cling to their boyfriends like the whores they are

"What do you five want" Jeff said, we figured earlier that i shouldn't speak to anyone at all just for character difference "we were just wondering why you're all just sitting there,plus everyone's afraid of you all so we wanted to know why" blondie explained "and....w-why is s-she glaring at us?" asked a raven haired girl and pointed at me who, indeed was glaring, and what's so great about it?

well, it's that i'm not even trying to make it look like i'm glaring so hard "she doesn't like you or your group" Timothy stated "i think she wants you and your group to go" Jeffery stated as well "isn't that right?" he said and looked at me, i softened my gaze and nodded, "i-is there a reason why you want us to leave?" the ravenette asked, i used sign language to Jeffery

"she said 'because you're all an eyesore so leave us alone and stop being a pest'" Jeffery translated saying it bluntly, their group visibly finched at the harsh words and walked away

"sweet dreams~" i whispered to them creepily, it's obvious that they heard cause they flinched once more then started running into the school, Jeffery and i looked at each other as Brian and Tim did the same before the four of us laughed

"This is gonna be easier than i thought" Jeffery said wiping a tear from his eye, Brian nodded in agreement

"let's just have fun with this mission" I said as i looked at the school, the three boys looked at each other smirking

"the destructive and bloody kind of fun~"

[DISCONTINUED] Glares like Daggers [CreepyPasta X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now