Ch.21 - no messing around

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(Y/N)'s POV

After a few minutes just sitting here, a few students have approached us, and seems like that's about to happen again

now were being approached by snobby bullies, ya know the clichès, blonde hair, pink clothes, thicc make up, beautiful hair, ugly styles and personalities, this girl has two ravenettes by her sides, one has green eyes the other has grey "can we help you" Mask- i mean Timothy said bluntly....very..bluntly

"Yeah, can you actually do us a favour and hang out with us instead of that ugly thing, with glasses" she said sickly sweet, Tim, Brian and Jeffery glared at her, while i just looked at her with no interest "careful with your words missy, you'll offend the females reading" a familiar voice said, behind the 'bullies' are Benjamin and Tony and the voice belonged to non other than the short midget named Benjamin

"what do you mean?" the green eyed ravenette asked "it means exactly as it sounds" Benjamin replies "now can you do the favour and leave her" snobby blonde asks again "No" Brian replied bluntly "ugh why, it's very simple leave her here, and go with us" Blondie explained, tch like that'll make them go, well at least i have something to do for tonight and i can give Ej gifts when we get home

"why would you think we'll leave her here" Tim stated "easy" the green eyed ravenette started "one word" the grey eyed one continued "ugly" blondie finished then pointed at me, aaaannd that crosses the line

i stood up and took her hand that pointed at me and examined her painted nails, i can tell that these girls were confused "you shouldn't insult someone you don't know" i stated as i continue to examine her nails "and why should i listen to you Bitch?!" she shouted, i calmly looked up to her and made eye contact "cause you don't know the things i do for a living" i stated. pulled her arm torwards me then brought it down to my knee. hearing a satisfiying crack i let go of her now broken arm that is bent in a not possible way

all the people around us looked terrified, her friends started panicking and called the ambulance, i just glared at blondie while she cries in pain and agony on the floor, she looked up at me with pained tears streaming down her face, i hardened my glare and kicked the side the of her face creating a mark, i then turned around, took my bag and walked away, with the boys following

when we got inside the whole school was empty, looks like they were all outside or something "RIP her face, press F for respect" Benjamin said with a grin on his face "F" Tony said with the same grin "F" Tim said bluntly "why waste respect for someone who doens't look at a mirror before insulting someone?" i ask then entered an obviously abandoned history room

i placed my bag on a desk and plopped down on the seat sighing "this place will be our hang out place, we'll have to do a little cleaning though" i stated looking around with my hands behind my head
"i already..f-found the cleaning supplies" Brian said "okay let's start this, and also Tim can you steal the keys to this room to make sure no one else gets in here?" i ask "oh sure i'll steal em on lunch" he said while grabbing a broom, i grab a white rag and some water from my water bottle and started wiping the windows, chairs, tables, and the board

I washed the rag and started wiping the floor, the others just re-aranged the chairs and tables, placing them neatly on corners to make space near the back of the class, and placed a few tables together, placing our bags on that

after the cleaning the lunch bell finally rang, we also finished cleaning so win win, i took all the cleaning materials and hid them in the closet in the back, i sat on the table with our bags and took out my lunch

we ate all of it, drank water, talked and all that, Tim walked out the room to steal the keys, Tony and Benjamin went out to pick pocket students and of course with Benjamin's magic, he hacked into the security to make sure that the scene of me breaking a student's arm was deleted, he also broke the security camera in this abandoned history room, also deleted the scene we entered this room

soon, The three came back, Tim has four keys, Benjamin and Tony has a bunch of wallets and snacks, when they all came in i closed the door and locked it, also placing the teacher's table in front of it just in case, i took the keys from Tim and seperated all if it putting it all in seperated silver necklace chains, i wore one, gave one to Tim, to Benjamin, and to Jeffery "make sure you don't lose it alright?" i ask, they nodded and wore the necklaces "and also make sure no one sees you entering this room, the cameras pinted to this room are taken care of so we don't have to worry avout security and teachers, just the students, and teacgers roaming around kay?" i explained

they once again nodded, "one question where will we stay the night?" Jeffery asked "good question....guess we'll just stay here, i'll try summoning mattresses, pillows and blankets for us" i informed


Okay after summoming huge things, we sets them up but i only managed to summon four mattresses and enough pillows, and four big blankets so three people will have to share a bed, so i intendedly made the last one a bit bigger, let's hope this night ends quite well, soon the night came and it was time to murder someone, i change my form into my original one, take a two knives and leave through the window, since we were only at the second floor it was quite easy, i left for the hospital blondie was taken to


sneaking into her hospital room, and taking an injection filling it half way with serum that makes you fall asleep, i injected it to her, it should make her stay asleep for three minutes, i start to cut all around her body, a few deep cuts here and there, but i make sure she doesn't pass out from blood loss, soon she wakes up, i cover her mouth and grin at her wide blue eyes, she was starting to tear up

I then used my magic to delete and disable the footage of me being here on the cameras in the room, i changed into my other form, the one she bullied and started giggling, her eyes widened even more if possible "see you in hell" i said sofly but sadistically then slit her throat and stabbed her in the chest, when she dies, i opened her stomach and took her kidneys, i then stiched it up and put bandage around it, i removed all the blood evidence, put bandage on her throat


i opened her window since she was in the fourth floor- don't question how i got up into her room, it's for plot -i pushed her already dead body out the window and messed up her bed to amke it look like suicide, i then take the other window as an exit and returned back to the school, changing clothes and while about to sleep i rememer about the problem.....the sharing a bed problem


vote on who you want to share a bed with

Jeffery (Jeff) and Timothy (Masky)

Benjamin (BEN) and Tony (Toby)

Jeffery (Jeff) and Benjamin (BEN)

Timothy (Masky) and Brian (Hoodie)

Brian (Hoodie) and Jeffery (Jeff)

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