Ch.5 - Attackers and Life in Danger

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(Y/N)'s POV

I looked at my attackers only to see Sally,BEN,and Toby "WE WERE SO WORRIED ABOUT YOU!!!" they all said at the same time which caused me to burst out laughing


when we heard the doors open we looked and saw (Y/N) with Blood Blade Me,Sally and Toby quickly ran to (Y/N) and hugged her and caused all four of us to fall onto the floor "Eep!" she squeaked and looked down at us "WE WERE SO WORRIED ABOUT YOU!!!" we all said in union surprisingly Toby didn't stutter or tic

(Y/N) bursts out laughing which caused me to blush madly 'So cute!' i thought and hid my face into her jacket so she couldn't see my blush

"I just went out looking for B!" she said "But your room was locked" Sally said and sat up,(Y/N) sat up as well while me and Toby Clung onto her like she'll leave when we let go

(Y/N) covered Sally's ears "Crap i'm locked out my own room" she said and uncovered Sally's ears and patted her hair

"Can you two let me go now?" (Y/N) asked
"N-nope *tic*" Toby said causing her to sigh and pet our heads which caused me and Toby to blush 60 shades of red

-Time skip brought to you by Toby and BEN finally letting go-

(Y/N)'s POV

After that surprise attack i went into my room to relax,i sighed at the thought of the happenings today "(Y/N) child can you please go to my office,you have a mission today" Slenderman said telepathically which made me groan in frustration

I went out my room and walked up the stairs and walked through the Proxie hall and to Slenderman's room/Office,I knocked on his door three times "come in child" i heard Slender say

I opened the door and went inside to see Clockwork,Masky,Hoodie,and Jeff. I closed the door and stood beside Clockwork

"Today all five of you will be killing a family in a mansion" Slenderman said and gave the information paper to Masky

After Masky read the paper Slenderman dismissed us to get ready

i dashed down the stairs and into my room to change,i closed my door and ran into the bathroom and locked the door taking a very quick shower, i wrapped myself in a towel and ran out the bathroom and to my closet

I took a; (F/C) shirt,a black leather jacket,a black skirt that went above my knees,and black ankle boots and wore it all

I brushed my (H/L) (H/C) hair and i took my gun and knife,i ran out my room,down the stairs,and to the door where i saw Masky,Hoodie and Jeff waiting,i stopped running "Where's Clocky?" i asked "still getting ready" Masky said tapping the ground with his foot

"Wow i thought I was slow" i said scratching the back of my neck "I'm here,let's go!" Clockwork said running to us

-Short Time Skip-

The five of us were infront of the three story mansion "woah it's huge!!" I whisper-yelled

"Hoodie and I will take the first floor,
(Y/N) you take the second floor,Clockwork and Jeff take the third" Masky ordered,me and Clockwork nodded and we all headed inside

I went to the second floor and saw seven doors, two of them is a bathroom, another two of them are empty guest rooms and three of them has people inside

I went into the Green door first and saw a lot of gaming consoles, gaming disks and about sixteen controllers, i quietly walk over to the person's bed and see a guy

I cover his mouth with my hand tightly and stab his abdominal area and slit his throat,he tried screaming but i had my hand on his mouth very tight so only i could hear his screams,after about three seconds he died i went to his closet and see a backpack,i empty it and take a few gaming disks,controllers and two gaming consoles 'Good thing they fit' i thought and brought it to the next room which had a Pink door

I opened the door and placed the bag beside it i went over to the bed to see a girl with make-up almost making me throw up,there's nothing wrong with make up but her's is......thicker than BEN's Ego when he wins a game

I quickly stab her and slit her throat to make it quick,she didn't even get to scream cause she's already choking on her blood

I took the bag and went into the white door which i guessed was another kid's room, i entered and placed the bag beside the door like last time and went to the Bed only to see the person gone "what th-" i said before being interupted by a hand covering my mouth and another holding my hands behind my back

"Mmmm!!" I tried screaming but it became muffled,i started to tear up and the guy's grip on my hands became tighter "You shouldn't have killed them you know" the man said and by his voice i could tell he was my age

he started to sniff the side of my neck which made me move more "MMM!!" i screamed "stop moving!" he yelled

what he didn't know was that I wasn't alone,I moved more so he would yell again "I SAID STOP MOVING YOU BRAT" he yelled,he took my weapons and threw them and turned me around and bit my neck still covering my mouth "MMMM!!!" i tried screaming again but it was no use

I started to cry cause if the pain of his bitting,just then I hear running "MMMMM!!!" i made sounds so they would know where I am but the man just bit harder "MM!!!" i yelped and closed my eyes causing tears to fall

"(Y/N)!!!" I heard Jeff and opened my eyes "Mm!" i yelled,then man turned his head to see Masky,Hoodie,and Jeff really angry "LET HER GO!!" Jeff yelled stabbing the man many times which caused him to let me go

I backed away and slid down the wall and cried

Third Person's POV

When the man died Masky kicked him away and ran to (Y/N) with Jeff and Hoodie following the three of them crouched down to the sobbing (Y/N) "(Y/N)....a-are you o-okay?" Hoodie asked only to be hugged by the crying girl

Hoodie hugged back and looked at Masky
"Let her" Masky mouthed,Hoodie nodded

Masky sat beside Hoodie and rubbed Circles on (Y/N)'s back trying to comfort her,Jeff sat on the other side so Hoodie and (Y/N) would be at the Middle

"Don't worry (Y/N) we'll protect you from now on,Promise" Masky said

soon (Y/N) fell asleep,Masky took her from Hoodie and carried her on his back and walked down,Jeff took the bag with the games and followed the four

"What took so long?" Clockwork asked
"(Y/N) almost got raped so don't complain" Jeff said rolling his eyes,Clockwork didn't ask anymore and they walked home

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