Ch.14 - A Cold

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(Y/N)'s POV

I was already near the masion,i could already see the roof but i just slowed down more since i was bored and didn't want to hear a lecture from Slender,i pick up Pheonix and start running after seeing the cloud all dark and grey

It already started raining and i was so close to the mansion,i pulled my hood up and hid Pheonix in my jacket so she won't become all wet,I ran faster and barged inside all wet with a small white puppy in my jacket,i pulled down my hood "I'm back" i said stating the obvious "Child What took you so long...and why do you have a-" Slender started before being interupted "PUPPY!!!" I hear Sally yell,i see her running torwards me,i placed Pheonix down

Sally started petting Pheonix which made me smile,I looked up and see Lazari,i walked torwards her "Hey are you alright?" i Asked her,kneeling down to her level "Y-yeah t-thank you,but are YOU okay?" She asked,i chuckled "Don't worry i've been through worse" I said ruffling her hair "Child,Explain" I hear Slender say,i tensed up and stood sighing

"When i left,i found out that my necklace can give me directions and stuff,i found Lazari being surrounded by wolves so i stabbed one of them to gain theur attention which succeeded,i ran and led them away,i also yelled Lazari to run strait so she would find the mansion" I explained and stopped catching my breath "Then when i lost the wolves,i found my self in my town i decided to visit my grandparents and they gave me a puppy named Pheonix,i then visited my Friend who owns a cafè,then we talked for a while and now here i am" I explained

-The next day brought to you by Slender letting Pheonix stay and let you visit your town once every two months-

I woke up being greeted by Sally and Pheonix right in front of my face which made me chuckle,i sat up and tubbed my eyes before streching "Hey Sals...what are you doing in my room?" i asked "Slendy told me to wake you up,but you looked so pretty so i just waited!" She exclaimed,i chuckled and ruffled her soft brown hair

I then suddenly sneezed,i groaned and laid back down "are you okay?" Sally asked worriedly "I think i have a cold,since i was soaked yesterday" I said weakly closing my eyes,i felt my bed lose weight,and hear the door open and close

I think Sally went outside,i then hear people running and the door burst open,i felt a hand be placed on my forehead,i slightly open my eyes and see Ej,i hear him sigh "You have a very high cold (Y/N)" Ej said worriedly and rubbed the back of his neck,i slowly at up,and held my head,i looked behind Ej and see NOT JUST Sally but also;

Jeff,BEN,Masky,Hoodie,and Toby

I give them a confused look "w-why are you all here?" i asked weakly "We saw Sally run into Ej's infirmary,so we followed,we heard that you might have a cold and Toby panicked and dragged us here" Masky explained shugging his shoulders,i smiled "i'm gonna be fine it's just a simple cold" i said then sneezed

Third Person's POV

All the boys in (Y/N)'s room blushed after witnessing the most adorable thing ever "S-So....Ej when will (Y/N) get better?" BEN asked "Depends,since she has *coughs* ოαğιე *coughs twice* Ahem,i don't know if that'll change her having a cold" Ej replied

The five boys looked at the eyeless man,not understanding what he said "Al...right then" Jeff replied weirded by his Eyeless medic friend(rival)

-40 minutes later-

"Sals,can you get me water" (Y/N) asked holding her bottle of pain killers she used when she was suffering from her head ache "okay,i'll be right back!" Sally said happily and ran out of the room,(Y/N) then groaned in frustration "I hate being sick" she mumbled to herself before sneezing "At least the sneezing doesn't make fire appear or something" she said before;

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