Ch.7 - Amazing Performance

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Jane The Killer's POV

After that slight...accident three days ago I would always sleep beside (Y/N)'s door just incase she needs me,Slenderman caught me once,he didn't scold me,instead he gave me a sleeping bag

Tonight i didn't hear (Y/N) groan in pain or any of that so i slept right in front of her door..

I got woken up by a scream which was cutted off pretty suspiciously quick...and it came from (Y/N)'s room,i took out my knife and went inside to see a hella rude robber who doesn't know what internet and the Creepypastas are

He was covering (Y/N)'s mouth as he looked at me with a strait face,he couldn't see my expression since i have my mask "Let her go..." I said gripping my knife tighter the man chuckled and pulled out his knife as well and placed it near (Y/N)'s throat

(Y/N) looked bored but calm i saw her back away like she was scared the man followed her steps cause he needed a hostage,She took her pain killers and tapped the man's hand on her mouth,he looked at her "C-can i p-please have my p-pain killers first?" she asked in a kind and innocent voice,The man nodded

(Y/N) took a pill and drank the wateron her bedsids table,she opened a drawer and placed the pain killers inside,the man covered her mouth again and placed the knife near her throat

"Now give me all the money you have in this house or she dies" the man said placing the knife on (Y/N)'s throat,but doesn't have pressure i got panicked and looked at (Y/N) but she still looked calm AF

(Y/N) closed her eyes and moved slightly forward making the knife cut slightly,she flinched and made an innocent whimper,The man quickly dropped the knife and uncovered her mouth looking at her neck "Oh god i'm so sorry,i Didn't mean to!!" he said looking at the crying (Y/N) who has a wound on her neck

i saw her look behind me,i turned my head to see Ej watching "What are you doing here?" i whispered "I heard (Y/N) scream so i ran here but seems like she has everything covered" he whispered i could tell he was smirking,he hid slightly so the man couldn't see him

"D-Does it hurt?" the man asked examining (Y/N)'s wounded neck,(Y/N) slightly nodded and tears fell from her eyes,she looked so innocent,it's like she doesn't know what murderers,death,robbery,or horror movies are!!

She acts so innocent like she doesn't even kill people how does she do that?!

(Y/N) then looked at me and motioned me to kill him,the Man didn't see so it would be easy i quickly stabbed the man's back where it would damage the heart as well

(Y/N)'s eyes widened and cried "S-sir?" she asked as the man smiled and died

Ej then ran to (Y/N) and treated her wound "(Y/N)?" I asked "Y-Yeah?" She asked slightly wincing as Ej bandaged her neck "H-How....." I said lost for words "Did i act that great" she finished slightly smirking

"'s like you were actually so innocent" i said amazed "It isn't my first time doing that" she said "My grandparents taught me to act very realistically since i bring a shoulder bag filled with weapons they said i needed to know how to act out of situations" She explained

"I was almost kidnapped before too my grandpa was with me then,I started to sob and looked up at the man who was trying to kidnap me" She said "i said 'Please don't t-take me away from grandpa' he let me go" (Y/N) said chuckling at the memory "since then i always acted to get out of emergencies like this,My grandparents also said if they are dying pretend you're shocked but still innocent shocked so they wouldn't know you're pretending" She explained

"Why did you wound your self?" Ej asked as he finished the bandage "It was the only way for him to let go and not put it back" She replied "You should've just shot him strait away" Ej said

"Would make much of a noise,a waste of bullets and too much to clean if his brain explodes out" She explained

-Time Skip-

BEN jumped onto the back of the couch "(Y/N)!!! I DIDN'T KNOW YOU COULD ACT!!" He shouted into (Y/N)'s ear who was sitting there reading a book B gave her

She didn't flinch she just pointed her dagger at BEN's jaw making him back away and bump into a wall which was beside me "What's up with her?" BEN complained "She has a head ache,she just took her pill last night so it doesn't hurt but sometimes loud sounds trigger it" I explained

"Ugh...Jaaannnneeee" (Y/N) called out holding her head,I nodded and ran up her room,the body was taken out and the blood all cleaned,i walked to the drawer and took her pain killers

I ran down the stairs threw the pain killers at (Y/N) which she caught,i ran into the kitchen and got water,i brought to (Y/N)

She took one pill and drank it then gulped it down with water,she gave me the glass and placed the pills in her (F/C) hoodie she wore after her shower

She just laid down on the couch waiting for the pills to effect while i just have my arms on the back of the couch looking down at her

(Y/N) sighed the sat up slowly "Ya alright now?" I asked "yeah thanks for helping me through this" She said patting my arm


Exactly 1000 words (Not including this)
Thanks for reading i hope you have a good day/night/afternoon/midnight

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