Ch.12 - Meeting Zalgo and Rescue Lazari

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(Y/N)'s POV

We were hiding behind a wall again but this time with Blood,She took out her bow and arrow,and attached a note to it,she then shot it to the floor next to Clockwork,no one seemed to notice except Clockwork and BEN who is beside her

Clockwork glanced at our direction,Blood was the one mostly seen in the darkness,since Me and Toby are hiding beside her like she's a part of the wall but they can still see us

Clockwork sat on the floor and took the arrow unfolding the note

Clockwork's POV

What's happening,and the heck is Zalgo doing here in the Mansion?!

That was what is written on the note,i looked back at Blood and did sign language since she understood them 'I don't know why he's here but i heard him and Slender mention Lazari and Rake,you three just keep hiding' i signed

Blood then nodded and wrote on her notebook and showed it to (Y/N) and Toby,i could tell that she explained what i just said,I stood back up and watched Zalgo's every move,i then heard light footsteps but only i heard it,i snapped my head to the three but now there was only two, Those were (Y/N)'s footsteps

(Y/N)'s POV

When Blood explained what Clockwork said and mentioned Rake,i panicked on the inside,i gave the katana to Toby and quietly ran to the window that is at the end of the corridor,i opened it and jumped out landing safely

I looked around making sure no one heard me,soon i ran into the forest as i ran i took out my necklace and whispered to the crystal "Rake " it glowed a Red and Black, I soon heard screaching which was him,i stopped running and waited

Rake then ran to me and curled up beside me,i patted his head "Do you know why Zalgo's at the Slendermansion?" i asked,Rake nodded "He's looking for Lazari,seems like she ran away from the underworld,and Zalgo thinks i took her" he explained in his raspy and creepy voice

i nodded,and sat on the ground beside him as i glanced up to the sky "Rake does any of the other Pastas understand you?" I ask "No,you understand me because of your power,but since you can't control that your necklace helps,if you don't wear the necklace you would have your head ache and you won't understand me" he explained

I nodded and sighed "I think we should head back" i said "We?!" he exclaimed surprised "yeah, We" i repeated and stood up motioning him to follow before heading back,surprisingly he did follow

the walk back was silent,i could tell why, Rake was afraid "how did you manage to call me without anyone noticing?" He asked "i whispered your name to the necklace i had a feeling i should do that and seems like when i whisper a name and think of their apearance,they would hear me even if their miles away!" i explained

I see him nod from the corner of my eye,i few minutes later we were already infront of the Mansion,Me and Rake were nervous,but what made us more nervous was the fact that there was muffled yelling from the inside

I shook the fear away and took my gun from my leggings and opened one door slightly,it made a creaking sound which caught everyone's attention,i slightly peeked my head inside with a worried expression "(Y/N) child i thought you were resting in Eyeless Jack's office,but why are you outside?" Slender asked

I walked inside and stood by the door "Uhm...i woke up an hour ago or two...Toby was there we went to Blood and she explained who....Zalgo is...Blood threw a note Clockwork and she signed what she knew..." i trailed off "Continue Child"

"Blood wrote...that...y-you and Z-Zalgo mentioned R-Rake..." i said tapping my pointer fingers together repeatedly "What does she know about Rake?" Zalgo asked making me flinch slightly since i placed the gun outside before entering,i was useless in long distance attacks

"(Y/N) is the Pasta that tamed The Rake" Slender Explained,Zalgo looked at me "Is that True?" Zalgo asked,i was about to nod but Rake went in using the door i went through,I looked over to him and he has my gun in his mouth

I smiled slightly and leaned my hand to take it "NO (Y/N) DON'T!" I heard Liu and Jeff yell,i looked over to them,they were worried,i gave them a reasuring smile and took the gun from Rake "Thanks Rake" i said and smiled at him

"How did you tame him?" Zalgo asked clearly hiding his amazement "well....i don't exactly know...maybe Rake knew my dad and he told Rake to give me the missing piece of the necklace?" i questioned

"What necklace?" Zalgo asked again,i took my necklace but not taking it off "This one Ej found it,it helps with my head aches that is caused by not being able to control my power yet" I explained "And seems like there was a missing piece that helps me control my powers!" i added

"what was the power?" Zalgo asked again "Theres only a few that i know i can do but my voice changes when i yell sometimes then my vision goes all blurry and i get a masive head ache,all that happens when i don't wear the necklace" i explained

"Facinating...what can you do if you wear it?" Zalgo asked amazed "I can something that might help" I said smiling shyly at him,he looks at me confused

"Lazari" I whisper to the necklace as i imagine what she looks like based on Blood's explanation,the necklace glows but this time the crystal shows me Lazari and seems like she is being cornered by wolves

My eyes widens,i rushfully took my dagger from my jacket "Be right back!!" i yell and ran to where the crystal told me to go

I was soon in the middle of no where,i see Lazari backed away into a tree with three wolves closing in on her,i shot one of the wolves,the other two looked at me angrily, "Lazari head to the Slendermansion just go strait!!" i yell and run leading the wolves away

I took a quick glace at her and see her running to the direction i told her,the two wolves were still chasing me but somehow i felt calm 'I wonder if the crystal can give me directions' i thought as i hid my gun and dagger in my jacket

"Nearest Town" I whispered to the crystal,i then followed my instinct and turned sharp left,the forest was getting brighter so it means i'm almost there,i soon broke free from the forest's eerie athmosphere and ran a few spaces away from the forest,i stopped and looked back catching my breath

I see the wolves growl and walk away,i chuckle and walk around the Town

[DISCONTINUED] Glares like Daggers [CreepyPasta X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now