Ch.15 - Training

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(Y/N)'s POV

Today B 'told' me to meet her at the backyard at exactly 3 am,it was currently 2:58 am,i grabbed a light (F/C) turtle neck sweater,a black over-sized jacket,black jean shorts, my shoes and of course my dagger

I quietly walked down the stairs,into the kitchen,and out the back door,i quietly closed the door and stood in the middle of the huge backyard,i then heard leaves rustling,i took my dagger and kept my guard up,B then jumped down from a tree and landed right in front of me "Ack!" i yelped "DON'T SCARE ME LIKE THAT!!!" I shouted at her

she looked at me and shrugged like it was nothing,she then gestured me to follow her,so i did

she pointed to a target nailed to a thick tree,i looked at her confused,she just face-palmed "can't you just write what you're trying to say?" i asked,she crossed her arms and shifted her weight on her right leg,her left eye brow up and her eyes half closed " don't have it" I said and scratched the back of my neck

She tried gesturing me to conjure up my magic and throw it at the target,i understood and conjured up a (F/C) ball of something it didn't look like fire,so i guessed it was just light,i then threw it at the target,when it was about to hit the target,the ball of...something turned into a (F/C) shadow and engulfed the target into nothing

I was very shocked because i can literally kill anyone with that,i looked over to B she just has an emotionless expression "uhm...sooo....uhhh" i trailed off,she just looked at me and shrugged "can you show md what you can do?" i asked nervously,she nodded

i looked over to the spot when the target once was only to be startled by a fireball to burn the tree into ashed and surprisingly the fire didn't spread "whaaaaaaaaat" i trailed off once again,B tapped my shoulder and got on a fighting stance,i did the same and we fought for a few hours


Sorry that this chapter is clearly short,i've been stressed out by school and i have a terrible writer's block,so please just be patient,thank you

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