Ch.11 - Zalgo what now?

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(Y/N)'s POV

I woke up in the Mansion's clinic,the memories of yesterday then flooded back,i looked over to my knees and see them bandaged,but what starteled me the most that there was a proxy laying his head on my lap sleeping

He began to stir and slowly opened his eyes,he then looked up with wide eyes and hugged me tightly,but not too tight "Y-You're f-finally *tic* awake!!" He yelled in joy

His happy expression made me burst out laughing,he then started to laugh with me,a few seconds later we both stopped "T-Toby how long was i asleep?" I asked still catching my breath,Toby's smile then turned into a slight frown "T-three *tic* d-days..." he sadly replied

I then noticed that his mouthguard and goggles are on his neck his eyes were a beautiful hazel (A/N; Correct me if i'm wrong) and the side of his lips has a chunk missing making him look creepy

But in my opinion he looks adorable!

I must have been staring at him cause he waved his hand infront of my face "oh sorry i spaced out" i apologized "I-is *tic* m-my a-apearance *tic* b-bothering you?" he asked slightly sad,i flinched and quickly waved my hands side to side "No no no no,it's just...." i trailed off scratching my cheek with a finger "J-just *tic* what?" he asked "Y-you look.....adorable" I said blushing slightly

"W-*tic*What?!" He exclaimed as he blushed very hard "Why do you look shocked it's true!" I teased and patted his head which caused him to blush seven times more,he hid him face by burying it in my sweater "hey wait a second,Toby why are my clothes different?!" i exclaimed

"O-oh *tic*,C-Clockw-work,J-Jane,and S-Sally c-comes *tic* here t-to c-clean y-you,*tic* a-and change *tic* your c-clothes!" He explained "Ohhhhh makes sense" i said and turned my head to the door,then smirked

Toby looked confused "W-why *tic* are y-you s-smik-king?" he asked "How did you know that Clockwork,Jane,and Sally comes in here to clean my body and change my clothes?" I teased as i faced him leaning down "I-I *tic* u-uhm...." He trailed off blushing 200 shades of red and it would put blood(liquid) to shame

Before he could continue we heard a loud thud with a crash following,We both snapped our heads to the closed door,Toby quickly took the Jacket on the edge of my bed and helped me wear it,Toby took one of his hatchets and walked to the door with me behind him,i wanted to help but since i didn't have my weapons on me i was useless in the mean time

When we were at the edge of the wall we slightly peeked and saw a black and red creature thingy that has a lot of mouths on different parts of it's body "who's that?" i whispered to Toby "Z-Zalgo..." he whispered back

The SlenderBrothers,The two proxies,Jane, Ej,Lj,Clockwork,Jeff,Liu,Nina,Judge Angels,and BEN were there blocking the stair way

I walked over to the other wall and laid on the floor,I started to crawl over to my room, My door was covered by another wall so it was all good,when i got to my destination i quietly opened my door and gently closed it not making a sound

I walked over to my closet and changed;I was now wearing a Black jacket, a (F/C) shirt,Black leggings, and (F/C) converse,I quickly brushed my hair and tied it up (placed it back with a headband,if your hair is short)

I then ran to my bed and took my shoulderbag from under it,taking my gun,dagger,and knife,i placed my knife in my jacket,my dagger into the outside pocket,and gun hiding it in my leggings near my shoes

I then hid my necklace behind my shirt so it wouldn't be harmed,i walked out and closed the door quietly,Toby was there waiting for me "Where's B?" i whispered "I-In *tic* h-her room" he whispered back and started to walk where i was guessing to B's room

B's door was at the end of the hallway her door was navy blue like Ej's mask,her door has a bullet shot, a knife scratch,a crowbar hit,blood splaters,and her whole creepypasta name painted with black,i quietly knocked on the door as Toby guarded my back

The door soon opened and revealed B,she motioned us to come in,we quickly did and she closed the door quietly,she automatically took her notebook and began to write

What are you two doing out there,you
could have been hurt or
worse dead!

She showed it to us with an angry yet concerned face "B.....what is Zalgo?" I asked,i could hear her sigh and began to write

Zalgo is a demon,he's the king of the underworld or as humans know it...hell,he and the Creepypastas are technically enemies,he has a daugher named Lazari,she kinda looks like Sally but her hair is more redish,and her eyes are red,her skin is also kinda pale

The note explained everything "Okay,do you know why he's here in the mansion and why almost all of the pastas and guarding the stairs like it's gold?" I asked,B's eyes widened

she then threw her notebook on her bed and ran to the wall,she opened a secret space and pushed the button in it,the wall beside it then turned revealing her weapons; crowbars,guns,knives, daggers,shotguns,bows and arrows, hatchets,spears, you name it but every weapon had blue and black on them

She then went to her closet pulling clothes out and ran to her bathroom like lightning,she then walked out in a black jacket,with a navy blue shirt,a black skirt that stopped above her knees ,black knee high boots,and fingerless gloves

Her hair was tied up into a braid with some of her bangs out she looked amazing "You look like you're going to a fashion show that is in war" I commented,she smiled and took a metal baseball bat from her weaponry wall,it has her name carved into with with blue to black paint,But instead of B,Blood Blade was written on it

She then took a katana and handed it to me "Are we going to war or something" I teased,B shrugged and smiled,i took the katana as B walked to her notebook and wrote

It's better to be prepared,plus Zalgo's a bad dude and he being in the mansion may mean something bad,Oh and you can call me Blood,i already have enough pastas calling me B

She smiled when she showed us the notebook,she took out a backpack and placed the notebook and pen inside,she took something from under her bed,it was medical supplies,she placed the small first aid box into the backpack

she took a bow and arrows from her wall and pressed the button again hiding the weapons,she motioned us to stay close before she went out of her room holding the baseball bat,Me and Toby followed her as we got close to the stair case

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