Ch.9 - A small incident

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(Y/N)'s POV

You were very exited today,Since the necklace worked you didn't have to punch Ej and you don't need your pills

And plus today you bought Amusement park tickets since you found out that every pasta in this mansion can disguise themselves as a human!!

I went out the bathroom and ran to my closet 'I'm gonna ask them all to come' i thought to myself and Wore a white shirt,a Black leather jacket,a black skirt that stops above my knees,white socks that stops mid-thigh and black knee high boots

I brushed my hair and left it down,I took a (F/C) backpack,Placed my pain killers in just incase,3 water bottles in a plastic bag,two water bottles in their place outside of the bag,an umbrella,10 small boxes of bullets,my other two guns,a knife and finally a (F/C) hoodie just in case

I closed my bag,placed it beside he door and made sure i was wearing my necklace,I took my gun and hid it in my boot,it hides perfectly cause you can't even see it,i hid my dagger in my jacket where it can't be touched nor seen

I ran down stairs with the amusement park tickets in my skirt pocket

"Woah what got you so jolly?" Jane asked as i skip four steps down the stairs,I just giggle as an answer and call everyone's attention "Who wants to go with me in an amusement park?!" I asked and held out tickets enough for all of us

Their eyes widened,in surprise but....i also..see guilt?

"(Y/N) much money did you use for that?" Slenderman asked "About....hmm...1224 dollars,why?" i asked "How long were you saving money?" Slender asked again "Seven months..i was actually planning to buy tickets for me and my grandparents and use the rest for the house but when i got here i thought,why not bring you guys instead!" I replied happily

"when's the due date?" He asked again "Today,why?" I asked tilting my head to the side "Child.....none of us can go..." Slenderman answered rubbing the back of his neck "W-what?" i asked "You see....The Proxies,Jeff,BEN,Jane,Lj,Puppeteer,and Ej are on a very important mission,Clockwork and Nina are gonna watch over Sally in the Splendor mansion and B.....Is leaving for a Solo mission along with Liu" Slenderman explained

"O-Oh...T-Thats fine i-i didn't..want tobgo anyways" I said and ran up the stairs and into my room locking the door

I pushed my closet infront of the door,Locked the window and pushed my book shelf to cover it and Place my Phone and Laptop in the bathroom locking the door and pushing my desk so it would keep the door secure

-Time skip,3 days later-

Third Person's POV

(Y/N) is still locked up in her room,everyone didn't notice except for Sally,B,Jane and BEN

"W-what do we do?" Sally asked the three,they were in the kitchen thinking of another plan so they can make (Y/N) get out of her room

BEN tried to go through her phone but ended up in the bathroom with a locked door,B climbed up trees to (Y/N)'s window but it was locked and the view inside was covered by a bookshelf,Jane and Sally always knock on her door before going down stairs

Toby went into the kitchen to see the four stressed pastas "W-what's *tic* wrong?" he asked, BEN pointed to the trash can,Tony looked over to see all the amusement park tickets teared to shreds,some were burned,some were stabbed by a knife

Toby's eyes widened "O-Oh *tic* dear..." he said "We tried all failed electronics in a locked bathroom,window locked and covered by a book shelf,door locked...." BEN said sadly as B wrote on her note book

And since i'm an expert in fire,it seems like those burns on the tickets were done just a few hours ago,so meaning she threw those when all of us were asleep,but the fridge was untouched meaning she didn't get food.

Toby was afraid for his friend to die so he quickly called Hoodie and Masky "What's wrong with you,you never look this panicked" Masky said placing his hand on Toby's shoulder

Toby pointed to the amusement tickets in the trash "S-she *tic* locked h-herself i-in *tic* her room, s-she threw *tic* thoss at M-midnight b-but *tic* didn't get f-food...." Toby explained and By Masky and Hoodie's body language they are shocked as well

"We have to get her out of there before it's too late!" Masky said and was about to run out but B placed her hand on his shoulder stopping him "It already is too late Masky....We couldn't go in,in anyway..." BEN said covering his face with his hands

"W-what about the electronics?!" Masky asked "Their all in a locked bathroom" Jane replied "The windows?!!" Masky asked again "Locked and covered by a bookshelf" Sally said sadly and hugged Jane

"Ugh...we should've just came with her!" Masky yelled slightly and punched the wall
"What's with all the noise?!" Jeff yelled entering the kitchen,B wrote a short explanation and showed it

(Y/N) threw away all the tickets we saw some of them burnt,and stabbed with a knife,we couldn't go into her room the door's lock window locked and covered by a book shelf,electronics in a locked bathroom,the burns on the tickets wsre fresh so meaning she threw them last night and didn't even eat.

After she wrote,she shook her hand around indicating she was tired of writing
"Why can't you just break the door or window...we could always fix it" Jeff said
Everyone in the kitchen stared at him like he just revealed all truths of the world

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN I BREAK IT?!!" Jeff yelled "You were the one who gave the idea" BEN said "Ugh fine!,but i'm doing this for (Y/N)!!" Jeff yelled and ran up stairs with the other seven following

Toby gave Jeff his hatchet so it would be easier,Jeff broke part of the door and saw the closet,he broke the door a few more times just enough for him to push the closet away slightly "Sally go in and unlock the door" Jeff said

Sally went it and unlocked it,Jeff opened the door and Pushed the closet to the side with Toby and Masky helping

When the closet was out of the way B was gone,we ran in and saw (Y/N) clutching her head "J-Jane...." she whispered as tears escaped from her eyes 'I thought she wouldn't get another head ache be cause of the neckl-' Jane's thoughts were cut off when Sally gave her the necklace Ej made

She quickly took it and quickly made (Y/N) wear it,(Y/N) stopped clutching her head and hugged Jane crying "I-I'm sorry"
(Y/N) sobbed

"It's Okay,you're Okay" Jane said and hugged back

[DISCONTINUED] Glares like Daggers [CreepyPasta X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now