Ch.2 - Six Strangers

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(Y/N)'s POV

After that morning i went outside to go to my favourite cafè,when i arrived i was greeted by the owner himself "(Y/N)!! my most valued and loyal costumer!!!" He yells from the cashier

i giggled "Good Morning Mason" i greeted smiling, Mason is a guy who is 17 years old he is a year older than me,he has brown hair ocean blue eyes and white skin

Mason walks up to me and gives me a paper bag "here ya go (N/N)" He says "what's this?" I ask and open the paper bag to see (F/B)  and a few chocolate bars "Oh...okay!" i exclaimed and reached for my wallet but Mason grabs my wrist

"It's on the house (N/N)!" He exclaimed as he lets go of my wrist "Mason,No! you'll get broke 'cause of this" I said "It's Fine i have plenty more costumers and plus you're the most loyal one!" He explains

i sigh "Fiiinneee" I said "Now take a seat at your spot so i can take your order!" He exclaim,I walk torwards the table i always sit at and saw that the flowers on the vase were different from the rest

Instead of white tulips there were beautiful fresh dandelions and there was a card on the Table saying "Reserved for (Y/N) (L/N)" which made me giggle as i took a seat and placed my bag down on my right where the glass window was

"What would you like Miss i don't know the name of?" Mason exclaimed like the dork he is "I'll take-" I said before being interupted by Him "One (F/F) and one   (F/D)" he said smiling then wrote my order down

All the people in the Cafè stared in amazement "you could've just ask me if it's the usual Mace" i said teasing him "I thought you forgot about that nickname" he said shocked "well you thought wrong" i said shooed him away

I hear the bell from the door ring but ignored it,Mason came and gave me my (F/F) and (F/D) "thanks dude" i said before he left and started to eat

I heard my phone ring so i took it out of my pocket,tossed it into the air, catched it with my other hand, and slid it infront of me

I could hear Mason say "Typical (Y/N)" and a few of the costumers stare at me amazed but i ignored them as i answer the phone "Hello, (Y/N) speaking" i said and drank my (F/D) "Hello Child" when the 'person' on the other line spoke i almost spitted out my drink and coughed "How did you get my number?" I asked,he doesn't reply

i sigh "Lemme guess you sent six of your Pastas to where i am in human disguises so they can tell me to pack cause i'm gonna move to your mansion..." I whispered and saw six boys staring at me clearly shocked 'Bingo' i thought and smirked "Indeed Child" he said and hung up

i put two fingers on my lips and whistled to the six boys, they looked at me and saw me motion them to sit with me,four of them sat on the sofa infront of me and two next to me, I ate the rest of my (F/F)

"So you're the six that Slender ordered to pick me up?" I asked,one of them nodded,i drank all my (F/D) and placed the glass down leaving $3 under it

i looked at three certain Pastas and sighed "lemme guess you three were the ones at my house last night" i said the three of them nodded "alright all of you follow me k?" I ordered and took my bag


When we arrived infront of my Grandparents house "This is gonna be awfully tricky" I said "why?" asked a short man with blonde hair, a white
T-Shirt a green jacket,black jeans and Green converse

"My grandparents knows when a window or door is opened except my room though but" i said "but?" The same guy asked,i pointed to the third floor "that's my room" i said still pointing "YOU'RE ROOM IS THE WHOLE THIRD FLOOR?!" a guy asked he has strawberry brown hair, a white hoodie and sky blue eyes

"yeah how did ya know?" i asked "you pointed at the middle of the third floor not a certain window" he explained "Oh...right,go to that window and wait for me k?" I asked pointing to the window where i placed the letter

I ran inside "I'm Home!" I said happily and closed the door i walked into the kitchen to see Grandma and Grandpa crying " knew?" I asked they nodded and hugged me "We'll miss you (Y/N)" Grandma said

I hugged back "I'll miss you guys too" i said tearing up "since you know our jobs we wanted to give you these" Grandpa said giving me two long boxes "But i already have so many weapons" i said "We know but these are important" Grandma said "I guess Grandpa making guns and you making blades are handy" i said and chuckled

I took the boxes and opened them i got a shot gun with gold spirals around the metal where the bullets are and a samurai with gold on the handle "Their amazing" I said and hugged my grandparents again

I took the new weapons and ran into my room got three backpacks,I put all my Sweaters,Jackets,T-shirts,leggings,Jeans, Skirts,Girl things,and Socks in the first Backpack

I put all my Pjs,my hairbrush,hair ties,hair clips,and head bands on the second

I examined the shot gun and saw a button,i pressed it and the shot gun turned into a gun with the same design "Awesome" i said and checked the samurai and saw another button,i pressed it and it turned into a long knife "Typical Grandma and Grandpa" i said and giggled putting the two weapons in the third bag with my shoulder bag but leaving my Dagger in my jacket

I ran to the window " Hey Catch!!" i yelled and threw my bag filled with clothes out the window,I saw a guy with a black hoodie and brown hair catch it,i smiled and motioned them to give space

I can tell they were confused but did as i motioned,i took the two backpacks and held them in one hand and jumped out the window

I took my dagger and stabbed it slightly into a tree making me slide down,When i was on the ground i took my Dagger out and put it in my jacket and walked into the forest "Come on boys" I said

[DISCONTINUED] Glares like Daggers [CreepyPasta X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now