Ch.13 - Blast to The Past

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(Y/N)'s POV

As i look around the town i notice a few familiar places,i couldn't put my finger on it so i kept walking around "why does this place look so familiar..." i mumble to myself then it hit me like a brick

It was my home town....where my Grandparents are

I quickly look around and spot the most familar road,i ran strait to it and look at the houses,i stop infront of a familiar grey three story house,i start to tear up not believing that i'm here,i pull my hood up and walk to the door and knock four times

The door opened and revealed my Grandpa "How may i help you ma'am?" he asks,i tried not to tear up as i reply "Can i please ask a question?" I ask in a slightly high pitched voice so he won't realize "oh of course!" he replies "Do you remember me?" i ask in my normal voice

I slowly pull my hood down revealing my (H/L) (H/C) hair,i smiled at him with tears in my eyes,his eyes widens as he started to tear up,i quickly hugged him as he did the same "I missed you guys so much" I said as tears started to flow

"It wasn't even that long when you left but yeah we missed you too (Y/N)" he said chuckling a bit "What's going on down there?" I heard Grandma say from up stairs

"Hun you might wanna come down here,i have a surprise for you!" Grandpa yelled and he motioned me to hide beside the stairs as he closed the door "Okay" Grandma replied as i hear her footsteps on the stairs

I could see her hug Grandpa from the bottom stairs "Okay close your eyes now" Grandpa said,i'm guessing she already did since Grandpa motioned me to hide behind him,i quietly ran behind him making sure not to make a single sound "okay you can open your eyes now" Grandpa said

"Where's the surprise?" Grandma asked,Grandpa moved aside revealing me,i could see tears flow like a river from Grandma's eyes,she then hugged me like she's never had,it's like if she let go i'll die

I smile and hug back

-Time Skip -

It's been an hour since i got here and all we did was catch up,i told them that i've been doing great and that i already killed someone but they weren't shocked not even a slight bit,It made me happy that they weren't scared of me

"(Y/N) we have someone to introduce you to" Grandma said happily "Oh? who is it?" i ask,Grandpa brought out a (F/C) box with small holes on the side-edges,I opened the lid and see an adorable white puppy,with blue eyes,a part of her fur on her head has a red to orange colour "W-What's it's name?" I ask petting it

"Her name is Pheonix,it seems like she likes that name so we kept it" Grandma explained,I looked at her (F/C) collar and see her name on a gold pendant

"She's beautiful....I hope Slender won't mind" I said smiling "We're sure he won't mind" Grandma said giving me a (F/C) leash with a gold hook,I smiled at them and petted Pheonix as she looks at me happily

"I better head back it's already been three hours since i left the Mansion,Slender and the others might be worried" I said and connected the leash on Pheonix's collar "Okay be careful (Y/N)" Grandpa said

"I will" i said and hugged them before exiting their house waving goodbye as Pheonix followed

I smiled walking torwards the forest 'Oh wait i should visit Mason!!' I thought and turned around,i picked up Pheonix and ran to his Café,When i arrived i placed Pheonix down and entered after pulling my hood up

"H-Hello,G-Good Afternoon ma'am!" Mason greeted sadly "What's wrong,you seem sad" I asked in my disguised voice "O-Oh...i-it's n-nothing....i-i just m-miss my friend" He said and wiped a tear that just fell and by the looks of it he was crying for a long time

"What's their name?" I asked "(Y-Y/N)..." He said sadly before tearing up again "Oh,don't by sad,you know what she'll say if she sees you like this?" I asked smirking,He looked up at me "W-What
w-will she say?" he asked

"You look like a dork" I said in my normal voice as i pull down my hood smiling widely and opened my arms so he can hug me,his eyes widens then hugged me tightly making me laugh "Oh jeez you should've seen your face" I exclaimed between laughs

"I missed you so much!!" he exclaimed "aww,i missed you too Mace" I said and hugged him back "where were you!?" he asked pulling back from the hug but he still has his hands on my shoulders

"i have a job now and i needed to love with my boss like my other co-workers soooo....yeeeeeehhh" i said slightly nervous that he might find out "BUT don't worry i might visit....s-sometimes" i added "okay just as long as you're okay!!" he said happily

"well i better get going Mace,don't worry about me,i promise i'll visit when i can!" i said happily and left after giving him one last hug,i ran into the forest after making sure no one was around and that Pheonix was with me

I walked back to the mansion happily,i hope Slender won't mind that i have a new companion with me and i also hope that the pastas won't mind that Pheonix is there but most i'mportantly i hope Slender lets me visit them atleast monthly or something

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