Ch.16 - New Mission

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(Y/N)'s POV

Today Slender told us to kill a whole community (Building) of CreepyPasta killer searchers or...something

The pastas that are in this mission are Jeff because he can kill a whole town in 30 minutes, BEN because he can hack the security, Clockwork cause she is good at sneaking around, The Proxies because they have are the ones to report to Slender and cause their great at killing, Ej because he needs more organs anyways, Lj and B for back up, Bloody Painter because why not,and Me for unknown reasons!

So Slender said that we have to wait until sun down so now were just chillin' Jeff's on the couch sharpening our weapons, Clockwork's playing with Sally, BEN,Lj,Ej and the Proxies are no where to be found, I'm loading my guns and B is in her room preparing ALL her weapons, I asked her earlier on why she's preparing all of it

She just stared at me blankly before walking away into her room.

And she didn't come out when it was lunch,so Sun set came and we're getting ready,i'm wearing a (F/C) shirt with a Black(Grey if you pick a black shirt) jacket,black leggings and black combat boots, i tied(put a clip if it's short) my hair and put on a belt with knife and gun holsters

I have a knives in each boot,a knife in the belt, two guns in the belt and a dagger in my jacket's inside pocket

I ran out my room and dashed down the stairs, I see the pastas i'm working with except for B,i see Jeff tapping his foor on the floor impatiently "She's still in her room?" I ask "yeah,she's taking so long" BP (Bloody Painter) said nervously,we all then heard footsteps, we looked to the stairs and see B sliding down the railings with a mischievous grin on her face

If i was a normal person,i would be terrified by the look in her dark ocean blue eyes,she was wearing clothing similar to Jeff's except the hoodie was black and doesn't have blood on it, she's wearing a dark grey skirt that went to her knees, pitch black boots,and her hair is up in a high ponytail but her bangs are still out, you can't even see her weapons.....that is....if she brought weapons

"B,where are your weapons?" I asked confused,she just genuinely smiled "she's our ticket inside~" Clockwork answered "Come on lets go we wasted enough time" Masky said and headed out with Toby,Hoodie, and Jeff

The rest of us followed and walked to our destination

"So does everyone have their weapons at easy access?" Masky asked,we all nodded except for B "Masky i have a question" I said "Go on" He replied "What did Clocky mean that B's our ticket inside the building?" i asked "Oh...well...the owner of the organization is....well....a perverted guy" he answered "Y-yeah *tic* h-he's even w-worse *tic* that BEN h-himself!" Toby added

"HEY!!" BEN shouted "B-but it's true" Hoodie stated quietly "So B might get in trouble?" I asked "What do you mean?" Lj asked "Wait B do you even have weapons?" I asked slightly turning to her, she nods "b-but....where?!" i asked frustrated "B have very VERY special clothes that Trender made, she can have guns,knives,even a shotgun in her clothes with out being that noticable" Clockwork explained "Oh....then what kinds of weapons did you bring?" I asked, she placed her hand on her chin thinking of how to tell since she didn't bring a notebook

She then snapped her fingers and did sign language "She signed; 'Six knives, Two guns, a baseball bat, a shot gun, and scissors'" Clockwork translated "why did you bring scissors?" Ej asked, B just looked at him Blankly "lemme guess instinct?" He asked again B nodded

The next few minutes of walking was now silent,we stopped one time to eat snacks and for water since we didn't wanna get hungry why attacking the building and we wanted to ahve enough energy for it,soon we continued walking,no one actually talked and everyone just enjoyed the comfortable silence the only sounds that were heard are the wind blowing on the leaves,a few leaves crunching while we walk and Toby's ticks but also Jeff wiping his knife

Soon no sound was heard but Toby's ticks, everyone just became deathly serious so that must mean only one thing

We were getting close

Soon we reached the end of the forest and came face to face with a tall building with a sign on top that has the letters 'CP' with a huge red 'X' on it so CP must mean CreepyPasta

[DISCONTINUED] Glares like Daggers [CreepyPasta X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now