Chapter 7

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Jeffrey's POV

Three weeks later I still couldn't stop thinking about my and Mia's sex sessions; we'd had so many and they were always good, and I didn't know that such a young girl could be so deliciously naughty. I never thought that I'd have a so-called fuck buddy nor that it would be a young college student. I shook my head and smiled to myself before grabbing my coffee and heading to a quieter place to practice some lines before filming.

As I was getting into Negan's character, my phone vibrated. Of course, being interrupted I couldn't finish saying that line, so I stopped and checked my phone. It was Mia and I smiled. No, Jeffrey, stop. ''Mia sent a photo''. Oh? I opened the text and I fucking dropped my phone to the ground. Holy fucking shit, Mia.

She sent me a photo of her in lingerie and she looked like pure fucking heaven. I couldn't stop looking at the photo; I wanted her to be in front of me right then and there. That lingerie was superb, but I wish I could take it off her and do things to her that only she and I knew she liked. My mind kept flooding with images of me being on top of her, kissing the soft skin of her stomach until I reach her sweet core and kiss it through those thin panties. God damn it, I could feel the blood rush to my cock and it needed to stop, a boner was the last thing I wanted when I was about to film.

That looks fucking amazing on you, kitten. You're gonna kill me. I'd take it off in a heartbeat though ;), I texted her. I hoped she'd have it on when we met next time.

Mia: I might just do stuff to myself thinking about you taking it off she texted back after just a few minutes and my heart was beating hard in my chest. She was a real tease, so fucking sexy with her words.

 You should do just that. Do beautiful things to yourself I responded. I was getting hot and wished I could just jump into my car and drive to her place to help her take care of what she had probably started.

Mia: Like this? she sent another photo and I lost it, man. I wanted to be there so bad. In the picture, she was touching herself through those beautiful panties; I wished it was my hand touching her.

Just like that, kitten. Imagine me between your legs. Imagine everything you want and tell me about it tonight, because I want you like crazy. I admitted. I couldn't wait until tonight, I'd devour her.

Mia: I can't wait, daddy.


I arrived at her place and when she opened the door for me she had this small, silky robe on her, reaching her mid thighs. I wondered if she had anything under that, if she had the lingerie in the picture. She looked so small and delicate and her skin was always glowing. My heart accelerated its beats as soon as she smiled at me and I honestly wanted to fucking punch it because it wasn't supposed to do that.

''Come on in'' she said, voice as sweet as ever. I took a seat on the couch, making myself comfortable. ''Do you want something to drink?'' she asked, which was weird because we never ever did stuff like that when we came to each other's places; we only had sex.

''Sure, I'll take whatever you take'' I replied as I watched her open the fridge to take two bottles of Smirnoff Ice. She was so elegant, so beautiful. Fuck, wake up Jeffrey. Wake the fuck up.

''So how was your day?'' Mia asked me as she handed me the bottle of delicious poison.

''It was alright, I guess. There was a lot to film today and everyone was so fucking stressed that it got annoying at one point and I honestly just wanted to leave. I hate it when people stress so exaggeratedly much, what's the point with that?'' I was taking it all out and she was listening so well and we never did that. ''How was your day?''.

''I think people there stress so much because they really want things to go well. It's a popular series, all in all'' she looked at me and smiled. ''My day was uneventful but productive. I actually wrote a lot on my essay and it feels less stressful with every page I write. I have two weeks left until the due date and I'm almost finished. It feels really good'' she was proud of it, one could tell. ''I'm really happy with how it's turning out and I'm really thankful to you for helping me with so much information''. Ugh, why did she have to be so sweet?

''I'm really glad I could help. I'd love to read it when it's finished, if that's ok with you'' I took a sip of my drink.

''Of course, I'll make sure I send it to you when it's finished. Sarah wants it too''.

''Nice, can't wait to read it''. Other times we would be in bed by now, or on the floor, against the kitchen table or the wall, fucking. Now we were actually making conversation that didn't have anything to do with sex and I wasn't sure if it was fine or not. We couldn't...get to know each other more than that. She was too young for me to get attached to her in that way. Yet I was...almost addicted to her; she was like a drug that I couldn't get enough of; but it was probably mostly sexual. There wasn't a day I didn't think about her and how good sex was with her.

'' liked the picture I sent you'' she smirked. Finally, let's change the fucking subject.

''Oh you bet I did. Come here'' I patted my lap and she came and sat on it. ''I see you have the same thing on you'' a little bit of fabric was showing and it was the same lingerie as in the picture.

''Of course, I want to see how you take it off in a heartbeat'' she replied before kissing me gently. Her lips touched mine in such a soft manner, no tongue or wildness, and I was going crazy. I was going crazy because I was feeling things inside that I didn't know I could feel and I was scared to think of what it could be. She continued kissing me and I picked her up and headed towards the bedroom where I placed her gently on the bed.

That night I kept expecting for her to take over, to dominate me, to fuck me hard. No, instead we did something that felt like love making. It was gentle, sweet, passionate. She never even called me ''daddy'' when she came, as she would always do; she called me Jeffrey instead.


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