Chapter 35

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Mia's POV

I was minding my own business when I felt a kick in my stomach. Feeling it with my hand, I realized that the baby was moving for the first time. ''Hello there'' I said as I felt around, imagining how the little fighter kicked around inside me. ''Jeffrey, the baby is kicking'' I yelled so he could hear me. A few seconds later my man ran towards me at high speed before dropping to his knees in front of me and putting his hands on my belly. He waited until the baby kicked again and his eyes went wide. 

''Holy fuck'' he said, amazed by the action. ''This is insane'' he was smiling from ear to ear, pure happiness in his eyes. He was going to a good father; the perfect one. 

''We're finding out the gender in like one hour, can you imagine that?'' I asked, unable to stop thinking about it. 

''I can't tell you how excited I am, I'm probably gonna pass out at the doctor's'' Jeffrey said, making me laugh and gaining a few more kicks from our little thing. 


Ugh, the car in front of us had the worst color ever and it annoyed the shit out of me. Who would choose that color? Who? 

''I think the color is ugly because you're too pregnant and everything annoys you'' Jeffrey said, gaining a killer look from me. 

''Oh so now you're on his side?'' I was really irritated at that car. 

''Baby girl, you're fucking fantastic'' Jeffrey started laughing so hard that he almost couldn't drive anymore. Ugh, fine, laugh at me. ''My angry, very pregnant lady''. 

''So you're calling me fat?''.

''No, baby, I'm calling you pregnant. A moody, pregnant lady, that's what you are'' he said before he parked the car. We got in a suddenly I forgot all about the horrible color of that car and everything else; the only thing I felt was excitement and a throwing up sensation. Please don't let me throw up now, please. 

''I'm literally gonna throw up in like one second'' I covered my mouth with my hand and tried my best to think about something else. It had been like that for a few days, morning sickness was a bitch. 

''Come here'' Jeffrey pulled me into him and held me tight. Suddenly, the time stood still and everything else disappeared; home. He was home. He was my safe place. He was my world. 

We stood there, hugging each other for a few minutes until I felt better. I was so thankful I didn't throw up, it was the last thing I wanted to do. We took the elevator up to the hospital's fifth floor where we met the nurse who'd do the ultrasound. 

Laying down on the hospital bed, I looked at Jeffrey and admired his beauty. I admired how patient he was, how happy and excited he looked, how that handsome smile never left his face. That man was the father of my child and it made me shed a few tears of happiness. 

''Look, there's your baby'' the nurse said and we both looked at the monitor. There was this little thing that looked like a tiny, cuddled up human and my heart was racing; holy shit, that little human was growing inside me. The thought of becoming a mother was terrifying, I had always been scared of giving birth and having to get a baby out through my vagina or through a big ass hole in my stomach. At the same time I was excited because I knew that baby was going to have everything she or he needed and because I was going to give her or him the best life together with the man I loved so much. 

''Oh my goodness'' Jeffrey was amazed, eyes staring at the screen. ''That's amazing'' he was smiling so widely and I was in love. God, he was so happy, so handsome. 

''Are you ready to find out the gender?'' the nurse asked and both Jeffrey and I nodded. Bring it on. Boy or girl, didn't matter, I'd love that baby with all I had. The love of my life grabbed my hand and we waited for the nurse to tell us the gender.. The tension was killing us. ''It's a girl''. 

Oh my god. I had a little girl growing inside me. A girl. Jeffrey was crying, tears building up in his eyes as he looked at me. The nurse left us alone for a few minutes to enjoy the moment just the two of us. 

''Baby, oh my. Baby, we're having a girl'' my love wiped his own tears before leaning down to kiss me hard. ''I hope she looks like you. Oh god, I really, really hope she looks like her mother. She'll be perfect'' he was over the moon and I was going crazy inside my head because I had the best boyfriend in the entire world and my baby was a girl. 


I liked the name Izzy and Jeffrey liked Madeleine, but after long discussions about the name, Jeffrey just said ''why not both?''. So our baby girl's name was going to be Izzy Madeleine Morgan and we fucking loved it. 

''I'm so excited for this'' he said as he played with my hair. 

''I can't believe I'm having a child with Jeffrey Dean Morgan, the man who two years ago I fangirled over and didn't ever expect to meet. Life is insane'' I giggled. 

''I can't believe that the sweet, hot as fuck girl that came to visit the TWD set that I fell for in a second is the mother of my baby. This is fucking crazy'' he replied. ''I love you so much, kitten. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me'' he kissed my forehead. Ugh, everything about him gave me butterflies. 

''I adore you, mr. Morgan'' I said as I went in for a delicious kiss. 

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