Chapter 12

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Mia's POV

I froze for a few seconds before nodding and starting to sob even harder than before. I was a fucking mess.

"I knew it. It's quite obvious if you think about it" George told me as he looked at me with empathy in his eyes. He was indeed one of the kindest people I had ever met.

"Is it really?" I was finally able to speak.

"Yes, hun. You're not happy, you don't smile. Do you remember than one time when we started having sex and we stopped with the excuse that I was too tired to continue?" he asked and I nodded. ''Well, it was because you moaned out Jeffrey's name. It hurt like crazy but you didn't seem to notice and I couldn't tell you, you'd feel embarrassed I supposed''. Fuck, did I really do that?

''I'm so sorry, I'm really really sorry'' I told him as I hugged him tightly. ''You don't deserve this. You deserve so much better''.

''And you deserve to be happy, so as much as this hurts I think you should go talk to him. Who knows, maybe he feels the same'' he smiled at me and I couldn't stop thinking about how much better he deserved. ''And to be honest...the man is hot as fuck'' he said and it made me giggle.

''George, thank you for not getting mad at me and for being so nice to me all the time'' I grabbed his hand and looked him in the eyes. ''You're one of the most wonderful people in the world''.

''Why would I get mad? You can't control who you fall in love with''.


I was in the car on my way to Jeffrey's. In my lap I had my essay, thinking that I'd have an excuse as to why I came, because I couldn't just tell him ''hey, I'm in love with you'' from the moment he'd open the door.

I was anxious, nervous, terrified and I drove like shit; I couldn't wait to tell him what I felt. Although he might just not give a shit, at least I knew I tried and took it out. I was sure it would feel much better after, no matter the end result.

As I was getting closer and closer I could feel sweat forming on my forehead and in my palms, legs were slowly turning into jelly and my stomach into the house of thousands of nerves and butterflies. When I arrived, there was another car next to his and I almost wanted to turn around and come another time. If he had guests, I'd interrupt maybe a dinner or simply a good evening for them.

''You can do this'' I told myself before I breathed in and out a few times to calm down and to gain some courage. What if I just left the essay in the post box and leave quickly? But then I wouldn't be able to tell him how I felt. How fucking stupid, I was there mostly to tell him about my feelings not to give him my essay. Oh god, I was thinking so much bullshit.

I got out of my car and started walking toward the door. Oh for fuck's sake, here we go. I knocked three times and waited a few seconds before I heard steps. Fuck, fuck, fuck, I was so nervous I felt like throwing up. Oh my god, what if he hated me for interrupting anything? The door opened and...what the fuck? The whole sky fell on my head. Of course it was her. Of course the guest was that same fucking woman. Of fucking course. I was the biggest fool of them all.

''Hey, can I help you with something?'' she smiled at me. In one hand she had a glass of red wine, stains of red lipstick on it. It hurt to see her there, but I was raging with anger that she opened the door and not Jeffrey. What, was she living there now?

''Hi. Nah, I'm good. Just...just give this to Jeffrey'' I put the papers in her hand, turned around and left. My eyes were quickly filling up with tears and I couldn't hold it in anymore. My hand went for my mouth and I started crying silently on my way to the car.

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