Chapter 36

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Jeffrey's POV 

I had been filming the whole day and I was getting tired, but it was quite fun. Mia was on the set with me that day, not feeling like being alone at home because she had a feeling she couldn't describe; don't ask me, no idea what that meant. She took the week off because she was in a bit of pain, but nothing worrying; it was normal. Plus, she was very fucking pregnant so she wasn't supposed to work her ass off and stress until the day she gave birth. 

''Do that one more time'' they said, feeling unhappy with how a short scene turned out. 

''Jeff, it's Mia'' I heard from afar just as I got ready to shoot the scene once more. Norman was running towards me, out of breath when he reached me. ''Come''. Oh my god, what was going on? 

''Is she okay?'' I was now running after Norman, scared shitless. If she wasn't okay I'd fucking die. ''Answer me'' I yelled, but before my friend answered we were in front of her. She was sitting on a chair, eyes watery and wide, a mix of expressions on her face; she looked excited, scared, in pain. ''Baby, are you okay, my love?'' I dropped to my knees and held her hand. 

''Jeff, she's coming'' Mai said and that's when I understood every single emotion I saw on her face. ''My water broke'' she looked down at her legs and I did too, only to see her pants were wet. 

''Oh my fucking god, let's go'' I helped her up and we headed towards the car. She was starting to get bad contractions so she was almost screaming. We didn't even have the already prepared hospital bag with us but it wasn't a priority yet. Mia's mom or a friend would bring it later. 

''Jeffrey, our daughter is literally gonna be born today'' she said in between contractions when she was able to speak. 

''I'm honestly feeling every single feeling in the world right now, this is insane'' I was so excited. I was fucking pumped, nervous, happy, impatient, scared, thrilled. 

''Fuck, here comes another one'' Mia gripped the sides of the passenger seat and gritted her teeth hard enough for me to hear the friction between them. I felt so bad that she was in so much pain. 

''You can do this, my love. You're a champion, you can do this'' I was parking the car, sighing relieved that we were finally at the hospital. 

When we got inside they hooked her up to machines and what not and I was feeling bad because she was in pain and I wanted to take it away from her but I couldn't. ''How are you feeling?'' I asked her that millions of times already but I just needed the love of my life to be alright. 

''I'm alright. The pain is worth everything because in a few hours we're gonna have our baby girl. Can you even imagine that?'' she was tearing up. 

''No, I actually can't realize it yet. Time passes by so quickly. When did nine months go? I can't describe how excited I am, Mia'' as I was holding her hand I got up and gave her a peck on the lips. ''I can't wait to hold Izzy in my arms''. 

''You're gonna be the best father in the world. I can't wait to see her run after you all around the farm and I can't wait for Bonnie, Honey and Bandit to play with her and be her best friends. Jeff, what the fuck, we're gonna be parents'' she was as in shock as I was. There was this feeling like we were in a bubble, it felt so unreal yet so fucking real at the same time. 

A few minutes later she felt like pushing so we had to call in the nurse who checked Mia and realized that Izzy was coming much, much earlier. She was coming right now. A couple of other nurses came in together with the doctor, all taking their places. I was standing next to Mia's bed, confused and excited, feeling dizzy. 

''It hurts'' the love of my life said after 40 minutes of pushing and saying the same thing all over again. She was crying and it hurt me inside. ''It hurts so bad''. 

''You're doing good, breathe'' the nurse said from the other side of the bed. ''Ready to push again? And 1...2...3'' she started counting and Mia pushed with all her powers and I loved her so much. She was a champion, the strongest woman ever. 

I looked between her legs to see how it was going and for a moment I felt dizzy when I saw what she had to go through. I got myself together quickly thought, Mia needed me to be strong. ''I can see her head, she's almost here, baby. She has black hair''. Her hand was holding mine tightly and even though it hurt like hell, I didn't mention anything. My pain was nothing compared to what she was feeling. 

''Jeffrey, it hurts too bad. I can't do this'' she was panicking, her eyes full of tears. 

''Yes you can. You're my champion'' I kissed her hand and tried my best to encourage her. 

''No, I can't'' she said as she pushed. It was a bit funny, because it was obvious she could and she was doing it all while saying she couldn't. 

''She's almost here, dear'' the nurse said as she smiled at my girlfriend. 

''Come on, get out'' Mia yelled and it made everyone in the room laugh. She was a fucking treasure, holy shit. 

''One last push, let's go'' the doctor said before my girl gave her best and all her powers to push out our little Izzy. I was ''pushing'' with her to try to make her feel better, but I'm sure it didn't help with anything. 

And then there she was, Izzy Madeleine Morgan. She started crying as soon as she was out and my heart was pounding with love and excitement as I looked at the little human, my daughter. The doctor placed her on Mia's chest, tears of happiness on my love's cheeks as she admired the tiny person that we created. I could feel my own tears fall down like waterfalls, emotions unable to describe filling me up. 

Leaning down, I kissed Mia's forehead. ''Good job, momma. You're the best, I love you more than anything'' I said, before looking closer at Izzy. Caressing her fragile face, I admired the extremely black strands of hair that she had and her cute fingers that were so small I couldn't believe it. 

''Oh my goodness, hello, my sweet angel'' Mia said, her eyes still producing tears. ''Here's your dadda'' she said as she handed me the fragile human. I honestly couldn't describe what I felt holding her for the first time. It was love, of course. I felt so much love that I almost though I'd explode. A love so much stronger than anything else. 

''Welcome to the world, Izzy. I promise you, pumpkin, that daddy is going to protect you and your momma with all he has, for the rest of his life. I love you so much, sweet baby''. 

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