Chapter 15

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Mia's POV

I felt almost like I did on my way to my first day on the set of The Walking Dead, though this time the nervousness was much stronger. I knocked on the door of where I was supposed to meet the boss and a male's voice told me to come in. He was in his 50s, grey hair, a frown on his face; he looked stressed and it didn't make me feel confident about this at all.

We talked for 40 minutes and somehow the conversation turned into how good I was at makeup and fucking bam! He wanted me to be a makeup artist on the set, starting that same day. The boss also concluded that because I had newly graduated, he wanted to see how I was at video editing and other small things first. So I got one month to show him what I could do, all at the same time as I worked as a makeup artist. I didn't complain one fucking bit, because I was going to work on the set of The Walking Dead and who the fuck doesn't want that? I was going to get to know actors, to do their makeup, to be around Jeffrey more. Life was fucking good.

Holy shit, I feel like I just won the lottery, I texted Jeffrey as soon as I got out.

Jeffrey: You got the job, didn't you?

One month to prove how good I am as a video editor AND a job as a makeup artist.

Jeffrey: Fuck yes! I'm so proud of you. I wish I could come hug the fuck out of you but I'm filming in 5 minutes. Come see me if you don't have anything to do. Xojd

The fact that he always used that ''xojd'' at the end of texts made me smile ear to ear. It was so cute it hurt.

There wasn't time to go see him, unfortunately. I had to go meet the other makeup artists on the set, get a name tag and start working. It felt a bit weird and uncomfortable because I just got there and then not even one hour later I was about to just put make up on actors I adored.

''Hey, you're new'' a short guy with awesome hair came smiling at me and stretched out his right arm. ''I'm Fred, but everyone calls me Freddie. Fab Freddie sometimes. I'm one of the makeup artists''. He looked like one of those people who was always happy and in a good mood. There was black eyeliner around his eyes, his eyebrows were on point and his lips full of sticky lipstick.

I smiled and shook his hand. ''I'm Mia and yes, I'm new and terrified'' I laughed nervously. I hoped to god that he was going to be nice to me so that I had someone to talk to; I really needed more friends, man. Tony got a job as well and we didn't get to see each other so often anymore.

''I bet you are, I was too when I started. But let me tell you, this shit is fun. Everyone is so nice and there's not a day we don't laugh until we pee our pants. And the parties? Girl, the parties are something else'' he was so excited to talk which made me feel more comfortable. ''Everyone comes to the TWD parties. Sometimes they're at someone's place and sometimes they're at big fucking venues. Those are the events organized by magazines and such, where we dress up and look a-fucking-mazing. It's really fun'' he wouldn't stop talking and it made me laugh.

''Well then I'm in for it. I can't wait to start, but I don't even know who I start with'' I told him and after that we sat down and he explained everything to me. Of course, I knew what kind of make up to do on the actors, but it was good to hear it from a more professional artist.

''Oh, I also forgot to mention. There's one more of us, her name's Kayla and she can be bitter sometimes, but don't let it get to you, alright?'' he smiled again and I nodded. ''So, are you ready?'' he said as he tapped my shoulder.

''Yes, I think I am'' I smiled.

''Good, because here comes Norman'' he winked and left. My eyes went wide and I froze in place. What did he mean with ''here comes Norman''?. Well, I realized what he meant when I got to my work space and in the chair in front of it was Norman fucking Reedus. So out of everyone, the first person I had to work on was one of the best people on that show. Good lord, help me.

''What's up? Haven't seen you around before'' he smiled, hair covering half of his face.

''I'm as new as I can be. Just got the job. You're my first person to work on today'' I said, proud that I didn't stutter. I was fangirling my ass off inside though. ''I'm Mia'' I presented myself as I grabbed a brush and a palette with nude colors.

''Norman. Nice to meet ya'' he told me with a smile. ''Wait'' his eyes went wider. ''I know who you are, Jeffrey's told me about you''.

''He has?'' I gulped.

''Yeah, you're Jeff's friend''. Oh, I thought he knew about Jeffrey and I, and I felt relieved, but at the same time I wouldn't mind if Norman knew about us. All in all, he was Jeffrey's best friend. Maybe he knew, but was told by Jeffrey to act like he didn't. Tony knew about us as well, so it would be just fair.

''Oh yes, I am'' I smiled at him before starting to work on his temple to make it look bruised. My hand was shaking a tiny bit so I apologized for that.

''Hey'' he put a hand on my shoulder. ''Don't be nervous, I know you're gonna do a great job. And you're gonna have a lot of fun here, you're gonna enjoy coming 'ere, I promise'' he winked and I melted inside. ''We're all a big ass family''.

His words made me feel better and I continued putting make up on his face, gaining more and more confidence with every minute. I hoped with all I had that I was going to feel a part of that big family, but with so much nice people around I didn't expect anything else. 

Hey, sorry if this didn't reach your expectations, it's just a filler chapter. Be ready for the next one though, you're gonna love it. 


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