Chapter 22

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Mia's POV

I woke up to my stupid alarm, wanting to sleep so much more. Feeling exhausted, I wanted to call in sick and just sleep all day, but I didn't want to be dramatic. Things could be much worse. I didn't get the job, but I told myself from the beginning that if it happened I shouldn't let it affect me because there were others jobs out there. And yes, being with a famous person had its ups and downs and I could maybe get used to the stupid ass paparazzi and media gossip. 

And right when I thought that, I opened Instagram to a comment on my last pic from a random account without name or pictures: ''You're like his child, what the fuck do you think you're doing with Jeffrey? You should be ashamed, he deserves so much better. Ew. Please leave our Jeff alone''. Ah, there we fucking go again. My mood went from ok to three thousand times worse in a second. How could people live with themselves, writing shit about and to other people? And why was I so affected by it? 

When I got to work I was happy to see how Freddie's mood affected me positively, he was really contagious. I had grown to love him to bits. Kayla on the other hand, she still refused to accept that I was with Jeffrey. Truth was, I never told her directly, but Freddie did. She said ''that's just gossip'' to it and turned around and left. That girl was never going to give up. 

''Boyfriend not working today?'' Freddie asked as he winked. 

''Nah, that fucker is free today'' I rolled my eyes playfully. ''He hasn't texted anything today though'' I realized. 

''I'm sure he's just busy at the farm, babe. Or just sleeping'' he smiled at me and I had to agree. ''Are you okay though? People have been rough these past days after you've shown your relationship to the media''. 

''I'm not that okay, it's quite horrible to see how people find enemies in anyone, how cold they are. It hurts, to be honest, and I think it affects Jeffrey as much as it affects me. He feels like it's his fault''. 

''Oh, honey, I'm so sorry to hear that. Things do get better though, I promise. First of all, you shouldn't give a shit about what people say because they don't even know you. Second of all, you're fucking gorgeous and if what media said about you was true Jeffrey wouldn't be with you and you wouldn't have every single guy out there after you. You're fucking gorgeous, trust me. Plus, it'll get better, I promise. They will grow to love you. His fans are angels and they'll stan when you realize how awesome you are'' he was so sweet to me. I hugged him tight and thanked him for the kind words.

During my lunch I called Jeffrey. ''Hello'' he answered. 

''Hi, baby. What are you doing?'' I asked, excited to hear his voice. 

''Just thinking. Are you feeling better?'' he asked. He wasn't as happy as he always was when we spoke. Something was up. 

''I'm fine. Thinking about what? Are you alright?''. 

''I...yeah, I'm fine'' his answers were weird and I was worried. 

''Okay, I'll make sure you're fine when I come over later'' I smiled, trying to not overthink. 

'' it alright with you if I come over? There's something I want to talk to you and it feels better to do it there'' he said and I was confused as to why he was like that. 

''Yes, of course. You have the key in case you want to get there earlier and wait for me. I'll be off at 4'' I said. ''I hope everything's fine''. 

''See you when you get there then'' he said. 

''See you, baby''. 

''Hey, Mia'' he said right before I was about to hang up. 


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