I was sitting in the middle of history class when my phone starting vibrating like crazy. I tried to ignore but when I saw the name across the screen I couldnt help myself.
"Excuse me, Mrs. Parks, may I please go to the restroom?" She excused me and i grabbed my phone and quickly exited the room. As soon as I got into the hallway I answered the continuously vibrating phone.
Cassie: Luke! Im in class what is so important?
Luke: Go on a date with me.
Cassie: What? You called me 6 times just to ask if I would go on a date with you?
Luke: Yes. Tonight. Ill pick you up at 7.
Cassie: I thought we agreed we were just friends.
Luke: We did, but I cant help myself. Please Cas?
Cassie: Ill be ready at 7. Where are we going?
Luke: *laughing* You honestly think Im going to tell you? Ill see you tonight Cassie!
Luke hungup and I went back to class. The whole rest of the day I couldnt focus on anything other than the fact that I was going on a date with Luke tonight.
When I got home after school I immediatly started to figure out what I was going to wear. I didnt know where we were going so I didnt know whether to dress formal or casual. I decided to go a little in between as I picked out my casual floral dress that I wore to homecoming last year.
By the time I got my outfit picked out it was already 6 so I still needed to do my hair and my makeup. I put loose curls in my hair and put on some eyeliner, mascara, and some blush. It was 6:50 when i heard the doorbell ring. I grabbed my purse and quickly went down the stairs. I put on my wedges by the door and when I opened it I saw Luke dressed in a white button up shirt with black skinny jeans. He looked amazing.
"Wow, Cas. You look beautiful. Are you ready to go?" Luke asked me through his huge smile. I just nodded because I was speechless. I never thought I would hear Luke call me beautiful.
We walked out to his car and he opened the door for me. Once he got in he started up the car and pulled away from my little house. I turned on the radio and rolled down my window just like I always had but it felt so different this time. I wasnt just riding with Luke as a friend, we were on a date.
I was pulled away from my thoughts when I felt Luke's fingers intertwine with mine. I looked down at our hands and looked up at Luke who was already looking at me. I smiled at him and he gave me a wink. "Luke, will you please tell me where we're going?" I begged after I turned down the radio. "Why? You love suprises Cassie!" He laughed. Damnit. I forgot Luke knew pretty much everything about me even though we had only been friends for two months.
The rest of the ride we just sat there in comfortable silence with our fingers intertwined and Mayday Parade on the radio. We finally pulled up to a cute little resturaunt. As we walked in, I realized it might be cute but it was alos very fancy. "Luke, we didnt have to go anywhere fancy. I just wanted to be with you tonight." I told him. This was going to cost a fortune. "Its fine, I know the guy who owns this place. He said the meal is on him." Luke bent down and whispered in my ear. His voice gave me shivers. I had never realized my feelings for Luke until now.
Luke pulled out my chair for me as we sat down at our little table. We ordered our food and just made small talk for a little bit. Finally I just had to ask the question that had been on my mind all day. "Luke, why did you ask me on this date tonight?" I had been anxious about asking this question all day.
Luke just looked at me for what seemed like forever before he finally answered me with one simple sentence. "I finally stopped denying my feelings for you." Luke and I had finally realized our feelings for each other. I wanted to get up and kiss him right there but I figured that wasnt the best thing to do in a crowded resturaunt.
After we finished eating we headed out to the car. As we were driving Luke slowly put his hand on my thigh like he wasnt sure if he should do it or not. I gave him a smirk telling him that it was okay. "Tonight was perfect Luke" I decided to break the silence. "Well it's not over yet."
The next thing I knew we were pulling up to probably the tallest building I had ever seen. Luke got out of the car and came around to open my door for me. He grabbed my hand a pulled me towards the building before I could even ask why we were here. When we got inside he pulled my straight into the elevator and hit the top floor.
"Luke what are w-" But I was cut off by Luke's voice.
"No questions. Just wait."
When they elevator dinged and the door opened he grabbed my hand and pulled me out again. He led me over to a staircase that led to the roof. When we got on the roof I saw how amazing the view was. But it only got better. Luke led me over to the other side of the roof where there was a blanket laid out and a bottle of wine.
"Wow." I said the only word that came to my mind.
"Does that mean you like it?" You could hear the nervousness in his voice.
"Luke, its perfect." He finally let the breath he was holding in. He smiled and grabbed my hand as he led me over to the blanket. We both sad down and he opened the bottle of wine. We sipped the wine and talked about everything that came to our minds. He asked me about school and I asked him about how everything in his life was going. He had just started geting serious about the band he was in. He even asked my best friend Calum to play bass.
"Cassie, can I ask you something?" I had never seen Luke this confident.
"Yeah, of course."
"Be my girlfriend?" Luke looked up at me. I was speechless, so I thought of a different way to say yes. I leaned in and mine and Luke's lips finally met. It took him a second, but he finally kissed back. Our lips moved perfectly in sync. He pulled away and looked into my eyes.
"So how is this for a first date?" He asked me as his forehead was pressed to mine.
"Just promise me its not the last." I said before I pressed my lips back to his.

The Reason/ 5SOS & 1D
FanfictionThis story isnt about depression, or self harm, or anything like that. This story is something everyone can relate to. This story is real.